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Everything posted by ExTrEmEDwarf

  1. ok.. i found the user that have blue stars and sig Global Mod.. check jimis1 at this topic: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=53061.msg523620;topicseen#msg523620 for platinum members just check the member profile.. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=18648
  2. lol because i c/p the other from the list i forgot it >.> fixed.
  3. ok.. MAXCHITS .. ama itan maxchicks isws na eixe endriaferon..ala molis to kaneis .com pezei na klisei se 2/3 meres ;/
  4. all vote for lightmagik! :D :D
  5. get the sage off :D ALL vote lightmagik for president !! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=70764.msg523466;topicseen#msg523466
  6. i guess if he'll post how he did it it will be way more post count.
  7. u fckin pwned the server ^^ waiting for infos how u did these stats. :)
  8. 1.Wind walk 2.Agility 3.Haste. 4.Death Wisper 5.Shield 6.G-Shield 7.Dance of Fury 8.Dance of Fire 9.Song of Wind 10.Song of Water 11.Song of Vitality 12.Song of Warding 13.Song of Champion 14.Song of Renewal 15.Song of Earth 16.Chant of Victory 17.Focus Death 18.Blessing of Noblesse And catbuff if u got a bot >.> And about dyes if u dont know add these: +4 Con -4 Str +3 Dex -3 Str +2 Dex -2 Str These are teh best.
  9. sage's award. +1 sage MaxSages.com
  10. vale tin ip tou server eleos.. kai ti chronicle einai o server s.
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69984.msg521271#msg521271 u can request him 1 good sig. He's the best sig creator :P
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