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Everything posted by ExTrEmEDwarf

  1. its like an auto updater like l2gold have..u can play only if u have these files...but there's always a way to bypass it
  2. eixa malwsei me ena daskalo apo tin arxi tis xronias kai den empena katholou sta mathimata tou..kai den m evale katholou vathmo sto 1o tetramino.. afise mono -- Ala meta egine kai fasaria me ton diefthinti epidi m elege mlkies o daskalos..kai m evale 19 sto 2o kai perasa :P
  3. I think about a sage section.. what do u think? :D :D Sage for the win
  4. -1 karma for undig old topics and spam lol.
  5. pistevw pws tha kanoume katalipsi gi afto to logo an den arxisoume ton oktomvrio.. kathe xrono vriskoume tropous na kanoume katalipsi 3/4 evdomades, k pername gamata! :D perisi kaname katalipsi epidi den eixane kapioi xoro gia na kapnisoune :P kai itan klisto 2 mines
  6. just read it by yourself.. he told me that its his work
  7. pou na eixa kiolas.. //ontopic: yes it is.
  8. alright.. and now get the link.. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=71112.0 told ya.
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=68409.0
  10. can u prove it? gimme screens from the program that u did it, with the board inside.
  11. already posted. and u didnt gave credits. /fail
  12. Spam Topic 371 Off-Topic 98 Lineage II Exploits [English] 86 [Request] Dev Help [L2J] 68 Junkyard Posts (Hidden) 56 [share] Lineage II Client Mods 50 [Request] Dev Help [L2J] 41 Lineage II Exploits [Greek] 39 Platinum Donator Members 31 Lineage II General Discussion [English] 29 λολ
  13. why not horror movies? they are teh best :/ http://www.comingsoon.net/
  14. δεν γίνετε να το βάλεις εδώ να το δούμε κ εμείς;
  15. otan enoei to miso kai parapanw forum exei valei mesa ta platinum & donator members? .......
  16. he mean just to slam your face with the keyboard (The letters side while you're posting) and paste the results :P mine was this: tbgfvc
  17. Just close your firewall..i had the same problem but Raule fixed it. <3 Raule :)
  18. 2 wres mono? toulaxiston apo 7 na to pane 5 tha itan mia xara ;/
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