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Everything posted by ExTrEmEDwarf

  1. Click! ಠ_ಠ
  2. ExTrEmEDwarf Professional Hacker Karma: 0 Online Posts: 430
  3. add it on maxhackers.com too, thanks for spending your time to that :) the video is still not processed yet so it dont have good view
  4. that was lame ಠ_ಠ
  5. nice way to keep me out of the top 10 posters ಠ_ಠ
  6. ta teleftea....1318 post tou einai tetoio styl..giati na min itan kai afto? :D
  7. i had like 2890 for 2 days now ಠ_ಠ
  8. tosi wra prospathei na sou eksigisei oti to post gia ton mafia egine eironeftika ala akoma na to katalaveis :/
  9. -1 karma for doublepost and 13 days ban for offensive language.
  10. πρεπει να κανουμε τοπικ με τις τοπ 10 μαλακιες του φορουμ :Δ
  11. 50k atoma? :o
  12. maybe there's a bugged java script on your server pack and when u mass change the buff time it change the debuff time too.
  13. its 15 seconds right now..lol. if u want to change it from 15 seconds to 30 then just replace the 15 to 30 .
  14. yeah u can use your imagination for further more effects :)
  15. they found the exploiting way and u cant use hidetoolz. try to search for other hide program
  16. its the saw song
  17. egw tha elega oti psilo miazei to gameplay se wow ala se new version. psaxe videos sto youtube, des guides edw k des pws einai.
  18. never neveR NEVER take hosting from greece. and yes, 149 euros for install and then 69€ / month with all these awesome features (12gb ram, linux/etc)
  19. fb is facebook stalking; search on google nab
  20. In this tutorial you will learn how to create a rain effect on your banner such as this one on a grey background: As you can see I have only used a grey sample banner, you can use other banners or whatever you want, it works the same way. Start off by opening up a new document with these settings: (it can be done with any settings but this is what im doing). Now you can either open up your image you want to apply the effect to or fill in a blank canvas like me. Next you have to make 5 new layers. Fill each of these in with black. Now apply the noise filter (filter > noise > add noise) to this layer and use these settings: You should end up with something like this: Unhide all the layers and apply that. Now apply motion blur (filter > blur > motion blur) and add these settings to the layers accordingly: Layer 2: Layer 3: Layer 4: Layer 5: Set all of these layers to “soft light” and hide (click ) every one except “Layer 1“. Click Open up your animation window and create 5 frames. On the first frame hide all layers except layer 1. On the 2nd hide all except layer 2, on the 3rd hide all except layer 3, on the 4th hide all except layer 4 and finally hide all layers except layer 5 on frame 5. You should have this: Now hit File > Save For Web. Save it as .GIF . It should turn out like this: Credits: Unknown >.<
  21. download another file edit. also maybe its your patch's problem try to use another one.. and, maybe there's a typo on the line.
  22. http://www.hetzner.de/en/hosting/produktmatrix/rootserver-produktmatrix/ EQ 6 »
  23. http://svn.assembla.com/svn/L2J-Archid compile / ready
  24. and as i see it have mine suggestion ^.^ i think maxtor is still looking for ideas. Also having 1 board with 200 sub boards for language isnt normal, only the most useable programs are added, and theres an other language programs section for all others.
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