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About rifleman

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. :o nice job thx for share
  2. 1)Go to your datapack in data/jscript/cron 2)Create a file and name it ctf.py(py is the extension so if you create a txt file and rename it,remove the txt and add py) 3)Open the file and paste Script: import sys from com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.entity.events import CTF CTF.loadData() CTF.autoEvent() If this script does not work, try this: Script: import sys from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.entity.events import CTF CTF.loadData() CTF.autoEvent() SQL: INSERT INTO `global_tasks` (`id`, `task`, `type`, `last_activation`, `param1`, `param2`, `param3`) VALUES (998, 'jython', 'TYPE_FIXED_SHEDULED', 1206595935732, '60000', '21600000', 'ctf.py'); "param1" means time since server restart. "param2" means how much time that the event will repeat. 30 min : 1800000 1h : 3600000 2h : 7200000 4h : 14400000 8h : 28800000
  3. thxxx its nice
  4. hi guys i need clanhall working and npc show html missed =( i try search but i cant found T_T thx. how i can do =( ?
  5. password its ok thx testing but show that "You don't have permission to access" i dont know why
  6. my problem AUTHENTICATION ERROR: Your Authentication Cookie could not be found, please ensure cookies are enabled. and my cookies are enable
  7. thx testing...
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