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Everything posted by thorynpt

  1. That Cartel gm reply was priceless xD
  2. http://l2blackbird.net/ Freya http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FW1GB7TU windows7 acc: tested1 pw: tested2 thx for help
  3. How can I put the monsters level above their name? Like this Thank you
  4. 3326
  5. 3205
  6. 3203
  7. Aion or any other game will also get you dependent...it's about you, not about the game :P
  8. 3125
  9. Ok really i got a chanter to lvl38 on official gorgos server and i did quitted In my opinion the problem is...in that game when u reach level 30 till lvl40-45 u gotta play on group...other wiser ur screwed...it starts to get booring cause of the soul heal...if u pass 2 hours farming, questing or whatever and u die once, u lose everything u got till there...its really booring It's also based on wow system, but they got plus one really important thing where aion was better than any other game, the flying system i mean i've tryed perfect world, wow, l2, metin and a few more, no game was able to do such a "free" flying mode has aion can... Now comparing to l2...i don't think it can even be compared...i guess that all of you prefer l2 to wow cause wow is boring and is stopped and u don't get that adrenaline of the l2 game speed...just as u can't compare l2 to wow cause, despite both are mmorpg, i really think l2 is unique and no other game will ever be compared to it, u can't compare l2 to aion :D here are my feelings hope it helped on your decision ^^
  10. The tittle says it all, i have an acc on official that i want to sell...i wont give more information cause i dont want to do nothing out of maxcheaters rules just if an admin can answer me asap :D thx ^^
  11. http://fogofwar.eu/ atm numbers are high but the best i saw was like 6k :P the best i seen ^^
  12. AION!! played the beta test chinese server..the game rocks...and cs: source u know i got almost 1000 hours in that ^^
  13. it looks more like a promod but ok <.<
  14. unless 1 spoiler so u can create items <.<
  15. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? gm's took quest out what's the problem? doesn't work anymore we already know that now SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP SPAMMING <.< GM close it plz
  16. omg this is old i posted it <.< fixed most of it lock topic plz z.z
  17. everything is in there: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=41802.0 but with 5 posts u wont see it
  18. Guys i'm having a little problem here.. I'm using the exploit which the packets at phx are: 1.use item 2.depositwharehouselist 3.depositwharehouselist 4.enchantitem and the matter is when it's succefull i go take it from wh but still the enchant before (e.g. its +3 i enchant to +4 and it is still +3 at wharehouse) and if it breaks no weapon is at wharehouse trying at l2combate.com if someone could help me =) ty guys
  19. does this realy enchant's safe? i started enchanting but breaks always to +4 =S tryed with a dragon slayer =P
  20. OMG u rock ahah xD jking happens =S
  21. don't think so but the l2 musics rock =)
  22. Solitaire xD
  23. he has a got a sauron sword in his back xD? that's nice =P
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