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Everything posted by Blazer

  1. can some one make them work on ct2.3 becuz when i try to addapt them i get corrupted files when starting l2....pls help
  2. can i adapt armors and weapons for ct2.3? or i'll get critical error: insuficient virtual memory? i really like black vesper. i'm asking this cuz i don't wanna dl 150mb for nothing. i need to stay 2hours to dl. my dl speed is low on rapid share
  3. you were trying to put a weapon from c2.2 i think to ct2.3. you need to know how cuz they have different columns
  4. i can do this in 3minutes...this is an a grade weapon (ohh forgot the name).
  5. it works perfectly for gracia final. thanks a lot. gj for posting a video tutorial.
  6. glow is fixed. image was made before fixing the glow.
  7. can someone show me how to overbuff with phx on gracia final?
  8. someone delete this. i posted in thw wrong section. sorry.
  9. is not only paint. compare it with the normal icarus. you'll see a difference :d. on this bow i've tested some things.
  10. hi guys. here is my first modding. enjoy :D Download the glow is not like in the ss :) no sql cuz i don't know how to do it. credits to me. special thanks to Legolas :)
  11. this post is very good. it help us a lot cuz we can find items faster then searching in each topic. gj
  12. finished with saving but in game look how it looks:
  13. i can't save file so i don't know what to say. did you c/p new texture into systexture. and can someone help me with my problem?
  14. before presing use go to the other window and select the texture. i had this problem too. but now i have problem when saving....help me!!!
  15. you are trying to edit weapons for gracia final? if yes then follow legollas tutoria. criticalerror's tut is for interlude/c5
  16. legollas what about my problem? what i get when i'm trying to save as utx. as i said i get that even when i put only 1 leter/number
  17. i've amde the same modification to both tgs. i saved them. i imported them in ue. i have 3 thumbnails, 2are my bow and 1 is empty. i click on the first. i do all changes in the other window but when i try to save it says the file you specified has one or more spaces in it. unreal filenames cannot contain spaces. i get this even if i put only 1 leter. help
  18. i know this. but in photshop i need to make the same modification to both tga? this i can't uderstand. if yes can i just copy the layer from one and paste it into the other tga? if you'd make a video would be more simple. search on google for hypercam.
  19. your tutorial is great but i'm a lil confused. after i extract the 2 textures as tga (i've seen that many weapons has _sp and _mk as texture, not _sp and _wp_ori this thing created me some problems but is ok now) what should i do? they are almost the same. can you explain this part a lil please? after extracting untill importing in ue2. can you?
  20. it looks very good. gj.
  21. wow really nice. an thanks for the effects. i really didn't know about "selfblaster". looks great.
  22. can you posts some ss too? i wanna see how they look.
  23. can someone give me a chat that when you take/give damage it apperas on the top and the bottom? or give me the line i need to put in systemgrp. i've searched around here but i couldn't found. (few days ago i found something like this but for interlude but now i can't find it anymore). can you help me?
  24. this is awsome. if you find it can you post the link? i really want it.
  25. nice glow but i like only on wepaons like fists, blunt, mace. these are great for me. other i don't like.
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