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Everything posted by evilman19

  1. Always Ban from Client! ::)
  2. Some Trojans Inside >:(
  3. Sombody Tryed it??
  4. Must be offline. Can't connect!
  5. It Somthing Wrong For me when i trying to do it!
  6. The Best Tool Ever See! Ty ;)
  7. [====b0ns4i v3.0 (31.10.2006) ====] [==== ChrischMC ====] [==Notices==] VAC2 Proof! [==Includes==] XQZ Wallhack ASUS Wallhack Whitewalls Fullbright Lambert -TeamLambert -White -Red -Green Noflash NoSmoke PlayerESP BoxESP WeaponESP DistanceESP EntityESP Gait/SequenceESP (=NEW=)Visible ESP + Visible Lambert (=NEW=)Speedhack Aimbot with - Visual Fov (=NEW=)- AV Draw (=NEW=)ini-control - includes adjustable menu-key (=NEW=)Auto-offsets [==How To==] 1)Start "b0ns4i.exe" 2)Start CS1.6 and HF! [==Keys==] Default is Del: open/close Menu use the arrowkeys for browsing thru it [==Known Bugs==] - Fullbright makes blood glowing - open Menu causes FPS drops [==Contact==] irc.rizon.net:6666 - 6669 #ChrischMC #m-nation #m-nation.eng or: http://b0ns4i.funpic.de [==Credits==] Loader : G3NoCiD3 KyroBase : jLn, Sruh (API Hook Support) Asus WH : steeno ( vallov ) Menu: steeno ( vallov ) XQZ : tabris NoSmoke: [oC]Suxx ESP: h1web & boecke Aimbot: Timberland Speedhack: LTFXguy keycodes.exe: Gordon` Cerial_Killer : for showing me how to start writing a hack [==Thanks to:==] steeno | BrollyLSSJ | burN2k | SmaLLmucK | ViscountPherget | Iarumas | Sruh | Suxx ORGANNER | xgx | uall` | Timberland | Gordon` | anarx | M-nation | g-d ! My Mom and my Dad ;) and all the other friendly people here :) People who using this Hack! Download http://failai.in/FD286DB59C/b0ns4i_v3.0.rar
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