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Everything posted by Fя0zenInside™

  1. nC song re -.- btw opios pezei infinite aion as riksei ena blefaraki edw... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=98166.0
  2. lal? ti wtf? ok pedia to eida kai auto... cya xD
  3. dld egw p epeza palia me tous filous m sto net kai xwris donate eixa top items mexri +20 sto kvn eimaste leftades? oute liwname oute donate kaname...
  4. Hello guys i will show you today how to take cool armors its 1 but for all races thats why i named it cools and not cool anyway.. its a bug and easy if you understand it... so lets start. The Armor is 30lvl so only 30lvl players and above can wear it so i show you the way how to take it its some kind of big but i think that the armor just own:D and i named this bug because you cant go in from the gate so you must how to get in... i show you the way in the below pictures. 1) You have to go in eltnen and then fly from the teleport to Golden bough garrison and then just go to that place below: How looks the gate that you cannot pass in through npc:P http://i33.tinypic.com/4gjlg0.jpg[/img] 2) so now if you go back again you will see a thing like a bridge that makes something like this ^ so you have to go up in that column like this: IMG]http://i36.tinypic.com/muu42s.jpg[/img] after that you have to jump here its easy: http://i37.tinypic.com/2vi2uiq.jpg[/img] and here comes the hard part of all the bug but for me its easy^^ you have just to jump and go down to the left side look the pic: http://i38.tinypic.com/ne3xi.jpg[/img] and after that you will be like that here: http://i36.tinypic.com/15i55d0.jpg[/img] well the only you have to do now is just to hold the ''W'' from the keyboard and spam spacebar what i mean with the word spam spacebar? i mean to click it over and over till you pass in... the whole theme is to have some luck:D if you passed in then congratulations:D look i am inside^^: http://i33.tinypic.com/bgttoh.jpg[/img] 3) now comes the easy part:D You Have Just to go down there in the waterfall you will find a npc and take the armor remember you will take only the 3 parts of the armor the other 2 i show you below how to take it but dont be afraid its very easy you have only to walk:P http://i33.tinypic.com/30m7foz.jpg[/img] here is how the npc looks like: http://i35.tinypic.com/sxhtly.jpg[/img] 4)ok now go back to eltnen and fly to agairon village to take the other 2 parts of the armor here i show you: http://i38.tinypic.com/1zgxds7.jpg[/img] now just walk front till you go here then just fly down there and you will see a npc the name of npc is chicorinerk take the other 2 parts and wear the armor it ownZ:D http://i38.tinypic.com/zup8d1.jpg[/img] ouf! end...:P i hope that i helped it was takes me a lot of time to do it so i hope i see some nice comments^^ edit: revenger like i tell ya i will make more guides:D
  5. lol cabal online is a copy of aion they just copy aion and what i mean with copy? not the graphics ofc but the gameplay.
  6. come on i think that maxtor have take his decision about this theme so to avoid spam i think that this topic must be locked till maxtor announce the winner... so mod where are ya? ;D
  7. yeap giafto legete kai spam topic kai giafto einai kai sto spam section;p
  8. Hello well... i made this topic because i just see many topics from lot of ppl that say i want to help me with the korean language so why all should make so much topics and request help? and why not to make one topic to help all this ppl? :) so thats why i made this. You just have to download the below rar file... the instructions are inside.
  9. yeap swstos gt dn mporoume apo 5-10 atoma na xaraktirisoume olous oti einai etC...
  10. aha so thats was my fault thx again guys i love it and thx dragonhunter for the chance to learn us some programming:P edit: btw sry for being so noobish but i am learning right now so..;/
  11. thx for your share i go test it right now too.
  12. efoson dn mporeis gt postareis?spammareis etC kalutera pane mazepse 200 posts h pes kanenan friend s apo to forum na sto stilei mesw pm...
  13. lpn telos gia na mhn spamarete o mono kalos server meta ton official einai o infinite aion www.infiniteaion.com ola ta alla server einai gtpk kai to staff ston infinite douleuei pl sklhra peripou kathe 2 meres exoun update me fixarismena bugs kai etC...
  14. maybe you mean abyss gear? because if you mean this before some updates you just was able to buying from the shops but not now not till the abyss is fixed...
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP8RQ4_8A3M&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3f1MtYTPRE&feature=related
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