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Posts posted by Intrepid

  1. Use an overenchanted draconic set + health SA(for oly its the best option) and switch beetwen ogre and rabbit totem. Use a lot of ranged skills since you need to little mana to damage against meele characters and against ranged character pop rabbit chase them down try to land a stun(skill enchant for chance comes in handy) pop ogre and attack them until they try to run away, than pop rabbit and repeat. Also when you are against auto attack heavy champions use ripost stance. Also for dyes you need hp and patk you dont need attack speed since you alredy have a pretty decent one so go with +5 con +4 str and -9 dex or use +5 str +4con and -9 dex its really personal preference. Alternatively since you hit slower hawk totem could be usefull also.

  2. See with Sido if you got an issue with forum registration, we got issues with bots in the past and the registration security is bigger. I'm also aware about the catpcha issue, but that's Sido which busy about forums.


    Race Fairie, Intrepid npc id ? :P


    Well maybe i will but it doesnt really matter until i setup my mirror svn(its pretty hard to keep something updated and make major changes if the update is the whole pack not a diff file). :D


    1586 - Flower Fairy Spirit

  3. You have a point on what you are saying , it seems you used them in the past and you know some things about them . 


    But i am mostly reffering to Lineage2 Java Interlude projects . C6 Is dead , there is no any project still running and trying(at least) to be better .


    What project should someone use ? As you said fancy newbies are looking for something that is almost ready to use (usefull copy paste junk custom codes) . 

    There is no other close related project on fancy area :P . 


    The most of new pvp/mid/low servers has fancy newbie ownership . 



    If someone has realy some skills on java , he could take the fancy l2jfrozen and turn it into a new level , its not to hard to fix some things , it needs only time.


    My point is that if someone hasnt skills or hasnt time for something more stable and complete , its the best choice for hime to choose l2jfrozen .  


    Anyway why we still talking , maxcheaters category of l2j is dead, it isnt as it was in the past . 


    I never ever used l2jfrozen it would be an insult to every player to use their junk. I just had a quick look in the pack. L2jfrozen is not complete not even at 30% and its nowhere near stable its a performance hell, a joke.

  4. i tried to do it but for some reason still it spawns me in goddard

    i tried it in a different place like in dion i copied some codes from primeval isle added em in dion's code and "vuala" works but when i do it i fritezza for some reason its not working :S


    Maybe frozen have something there that overwrites it.

  5. The fact is that a lot of mega developers complain about l2jfrozen. The question is : is there any other project still active?(related to c6).


    If you are op, go download clean l2jserver and fill it with your garbige...


    The real fact about l2jfrozen is that they did the first step on moving to git and maven . svn and ant is very old and low running.

    I guess the most than compains about l2jfrozen doesnt know how to run a git repository that is 400% faster than svn.


    I am very proud when a developer go a step forward and doesnt stuck in pathetic past.


    Indeed they use bitbucket thats 1 good thing but lets look at it closely. They use maven yes, the exact same layout as l2jfree did since ages except they dont host their own repo and they take 0 advenatge of depedency inheritance aka they call the same library multiple times separately instead of chaining the projects to eachother with 1 project holding all the depedencys and the rest is just inheriting it. Their loginserver is just odd in so many ways even the current l2j loginserver which is by beeing really polite is crap, better than what they have even tho their version is fancy for the newbies. Using slf4j is again something thats pointless really and shows a littlebit of hunt for fancy stuff(tho i believe most of their fancy stuff is copy from russian fake packs). They are near to clueless as far as organization goes the whole thing is just thrown together with 0 sense and a big chunk of copy paste. Their commons is full of copy paste from russians, some classes are multplied and can be found in the login and the commons too. Their database server is an overkill and a pointless one of that. Their configuration is based on spring annotations yet they also use l2properties updated from the old il version to the newest. Their cache related classes are junk FastMRUCache is pointless, the whcache is bugged since ages, the infocache is c/p, their htmcache is old and not optimized not even having a basic htm tag validation. Bunch of unused classes all over the place regarding functions that dont exist anymore in the pack or beeing disabled to due bugs. Stolen credits in copy pastes from l2jfree mainly nb4l1s codes(guys atleast dont credit it to l2jfrozen like you invented something collectively:)).


    Want me to look in it a bit more? :)


    Ohh and yes their is as much as i dont believe im saying this but acis.

  6. L2jfrozen?Really now? Frozen is the worst of worst out of anything, full of customs and leeched fixes because they cant do it themselfs, nothing has been optimalized at all, every single core side or dp side change could have been done much more efficiently which again comes from unskilled people working on it.

    Just stop using such things so these can die in piece and shall never born again.

  7. Mate ppl don't wanna play the game get an item +something and then they cant use that item on the subclass.

    I ended up with this frustration millions of times as a player. Also this doesnt affect jewels and shit + that the enchantment is maintained not increased so there is still reason for trading.

    As i find it a good idea many other peopl will and many other ppl won't. It is what it is tho.


    Actually they do, and the reason for that is people understand the concept of a game otherwise they would not play it at all. If i can use the same stuff for both of my main and sub thats fine and all but if i cant its not the end of the world. :)

  8. To be honest it would be way more efficent with a proper database connection, what tryskell meant was probably not to overuse it. Your Top class aka manager class should be statically loaded since theres no data loading in it, unhardcode html parts, a simple dp script could also do the job just fine ohh and your sortByValue method is inside l2j since ages why change the inner names and put it inside the patch instead of delaring it public static and using it? :)

  9. trading is a main activity in any type of Lineage2 server, costum pvp low or whatever. Thats why I said it doesnt fit Lineage2, wow is wow and Lineage is Lineage. This method ruins trading


    Exactly thats why its a reasonable way to do it if its done.


    PS.: Lineage = Lineage, WoW = Whatever they can leech from whoever. :D

  10. Interesting idea tho i would find it necessary to dont let it apply special features heres an example. I have a +16 angel slayer and im destroying the server than my adventurer for example is about to get nerfed to fuck so what i do? I just switch to a subclass thats OP in the current enviroment and i have my fully maxed equipment. That makes the game boring, for me atleast.

    What i would do is i would allow equipment trade in a midrate enviroment so if i want to have a heavy but i have a light set i can trade it in for whatever currency and get my desired heavy with the same enchant level and the SA of my choice in case of a weapon.

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