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Everything posted by ICanFeelTheBeat

  1. So i found this server, I decided to share it you guys. I dont know if someone posted before me , if so I can remove this post. http://www.l2khaos.org/ Server: Interlude L2OFF ---------- - Khaos(55x) Server: - Interlude (C6) - XP: 55x - SP: 55x - Spoil: 15x - ADENA: 200x Server Hardware: -Intel Quad Core Xeon 3.3Ghz -1x Samsung 840 SSD (240GB), 1x 500GB 7200 RPM Hard Disks -16GB DDR3 -1Gbps network connection -3x Trans-atlantic service connected backbone -DDoS Protected Skills: -100% Retail. -Auto-learned. -Skill modifications made for game play improvement: --Touch of life and Restore life are party-only so that players dont heal raids. --Buffs are party-only to prevent griefing -Skill validation system to prevent skill stacking -Max Transfer Pain distance is 1500 to prevent players from hiding their summons and going across the map. Olympiad: -Weekly olympiad - 6 hours/day split between 2 times (3hrs 10am-1pm, 3hrs 8pm-11pm), 7 day period -Minimum of 5 players required -Limited to A-Grade only with server safe enchants max. -Non-class based to prevent class-based botting. Subclasse & Noblesse: -Must do full subclass quest. Bosses spawn 3x a day every 8+-1hr -Must do the full noblesse quest. Barakiel spawns 3x a day every 8+-1hr. Drops a chest for all players to obtain the staff. No last hit necessary. Clans and Castles: -Full interlude clan system enabled up to level 8 with all sub units and clan skills -Alliances limited to 3 clans per alliance -No clan kick/leave penalties, players can leave and join clans without having to wait x amount of time. -Castle sieges are every weekend. Server will start with two sieges and open more castles as the population grows. Custom Zones: -School of Dark Arts -Cave of Trials -Abandoned Coal Mines -Primevil Isle -Execution Grounds (party-only pvp zone) -Raid boss zones are pvp areas -Boosted mini-bosses spawn every 6 hours throughout the world Custom Features: -Offline Shops -No party XP level limit -PvP Reward system -Global Item Decay (THERE IS NO AUTO-PICKUP. IT IS DISABLED TO PROMOTE PVP) -NPC Buffers in giran have the same buffs as AIOs do (all the buffs available in the game). -Buffs from AIOs and NPCs last 2 hours and 30 minutes. Normal player buffs are retail. -NPCs in giran for all your item/consumable/weapon/armor needs. -Increased weight limit on all characters -No death penalty -.expon/.expoff command to enable or disable experience gain -Trade radius to prevent players from creating shops on other players or npcs -Attribute system enabled -Augmentation system enabled -Herb system DISABLED Enchants: -Retail rates -Weapon safe enchant +5, max enchant +18 -Weapon Regular scroll safe +5 -Weapon Blessed scroll safe for enchanting from +14 to +16 -Armor/Jewel safe enchant +3 (+4 on onepiece), max enchant +8 -Armor/Jewel scroll safe +3 -Armor/Jewel Blessed scroll safe for enchanting from +6 to +8 Custom Items: -Demonic Weapons (dual SA) drop from bosses, non-donateable -Modded apella armor drops from bosses, non-donateable -Epic armors can be bought in shops, non-donateable :)
  2. try l2 khaos ,this server has a potencial to became a great server. www.l2khaos.org 50 xp, npc buffers with cov and ren , no siren . global gatekeeper.
  3. Good luck m8! seems nice but it would be better without npc buffers :p cheers
  4. nice share man! thx! ;) but i cant download client.dll, could you re-upload? pliz
  5. ok , so I need a "clean" client.dll
  6. im looking for a bot ig for l2 int... everytime i try to login , it closes my L2 window.
  7. im looking for a ig bot for l2 gold. http://l2g-oldschool.com/
  8. thanks, im gonna check it when beta opens to see how many people is online ;) thank you
  9. its has NPC Buffer =/ thanks anyway
  10. i am looking for a NEW Low/Mid Rate Server, that is recent or that is going to open soon! Exp: 5~30x NPC Buffer: NO Global GK: don't care GM Shop: NO (or only until b-grade) the rest similar to retail, but if it has some changes i don't care!! but the most important thing: population: 1000+ thank you all!
  11. hi all, i am looking for an Interlude Server between 50-200x, with population 500+ with NPC Buffer, Global GK, GM Shop, etc... (Don't care if it has custom weapons/armors or not)!! thanks ;)
  12. I tried with 1.79 ,it didnt work. they have a custom bot protection. website -> www.l2extreme.us
  13. awesome share dude!! keep it up!
  14. nice work dude! can you addapt for iL? keep it up!
  15. nice share keep it up m8!
  16. uber share , i like it! keep it up :)
  17. nice work m8 keep it up ;)
  18. thx for the share and tutorial :)
  19. ty for this share m8 keep it up
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