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Everything posted by Raule

  1. You're nab or what\? that's the difference between male and female. ronokiahondacivicnosnissannfsmao.
  2. So nigcaz, we choosed to stop sucking at 1 y.o, instead to start sucking at 14.
  3. your hair sucks today
  4. nais.. Cat de tare poate sa fie piesa Nimeni altu - adevarul.. auzi acolo: in primu' rand faza cu barza e doar o gluma proasta gandeste-te putin chiar crezi ca tactu ar fi futut o barza
  5. Srsly, since i dont know java.. i stay neutral like Switzerland..
  6. Setekh!!! I told him 1 month ago to code for me a microphone and hes still coding it..
  7. micutule will :))) nota secreta te rugam :)))
  8. ns ma vad io...
  9. yes
  10. Uneori nici nu mai stiu pe cine merita sa salut Caci cam multi vorbesc de prieteni la trecut Mutu
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS3VE7KeLJg&feature=related Setekh when finished his interlude server!!
  12. I cant make a top, but some good movies: Dude where's my car, The pursuit of happyness, Seven pounds, Alvin and the chipmunks 1, 2.
  13. We been almost ontopic :D i will clean it now, have you fixed something ?
  14. opened, lets see..
  15. Dont forget to add names in your title ..
  16. dont forget the condoms and aphrodisiacs.
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