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Everything posted by Raule

  1. fixed
  2. Raule

    -3 karma

    dunno, but fore sure you didnt get for nothing. Locked.
  3. he's banned. Locked.
  4. he's banend already. Locked.
  5. Who is omgg ? haha.
  6. You must know something: i dont judge anyone, i give directly a hard sentence.
  7. do you see me nervous or waht ?:D
  8. Seen so many from you. Learn english or shut up.
  9. a sunat a cacat mare :))
  10. And i thought it was something like : donate blood here and pay for your VIp membership!
  11. Yeah sure, ma reply changed your mind. The truth:
  12. because you sux.. i was just pwning you dude ;D i bet you had the inttention to kill yourself ;D
  13. though you should respect me because you are still l2 mod xd
  14. I really dont care.. The important thing is to respect yourself, not needed e-respect.
  15. After became a greek forum.
  16. You see what's happening when you warn a moderator, he hates you xd.
  17. cam asa sunt toti, de acea hh-u e ceva fenomenal.
  18. Trying to find a facking exploit in l2java :D
  19. Hey, All Cops Are Bastards waza?
  20. Setekh;s one :| In yours nobody will join, lol.. and wtf 1.3 week? thats how you measure the week ? :D
  21. what about the server !?
  22. because im tired of some pms..
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