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Everything posted by Raule

  1. clar eufonic, euforic, eu fonic eficace, el bufonic eu vivace ?
  2. +1 karma and im not joking. I really need them, thanks.
  3. plus im thinking of ban
  4. This topic has been moved to Guides & Tutorials. [iurl]http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=150718.0[/iurl]
  5. next one, take a pic
  6. you are gay or what... i like simple girlz...no bling bings no pinky rings no pussies with lipstick..
  7. true, not even emos likes emos. psofa malaka what this means ?
  8. i dont have acc, whats up ?
  9. good. 2008 de plbum, respir adanc corbi-s tot vorbi a ce suna ? ;d
  10. malaka i guess
  11. lie, you gonna watch powerpuff girlz
  12. Overgaozed because of you lesbians + gays + shemales exsist.
  13. cocalari comunitari pe metru patrat, ai tricou' roz, date-n sloboz cu paru tau placat
  14. because you[re shemale still trolled you.
  15. still trolled you
  16. gaoaza= ass( the hole of the ass) Overgaozed..
  17. overgaozed is better
  18. Ies din somn c-un pas calm, ca-n basm am Slugi goale-n cazan cu pielea in balsam Le trag pe pat si-mi fac pe plac Iti par turbat Da' lunea lumea mea-i tarc nu parc Doar un alt zar trucat aruncat in stalpii Societatii-n parghii Unde noi s'tem stapanii Meschinii mimeaza si primii mizeaza pe cate linii prizeaza Da' minimizeaza Efectu firii din neaza, ca-i vorba de control Si-am tot rol de contor cand le cer decont lor Daca-i complot Om, sperjur, bombe-njur Ard totul de zici ca-i Pompei, jur C-am dictat ura Pe pinza dura Ca-n dictatura Ce-ating aprind ca prin candidatura Candida-aliura, prezentu-i sclavaj modern Popoare nu-s fortate-n infern ci-l aleg. a ce suna ?
  19. i use Maerry for dwarf female, and ofc my orc female buffer: PamelaBufferson.
  20. nop. Raule!
  21. i wanted for a a char from l2..i will not change ma name
  22. i want name, not a kitchen mixer one
  23. raulito?
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