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Everything posted by Raule

  1. True, there are 4 types of races: Caucasian, Mongoloid, australoid and negroid.
  2. it gives, if is not already banned and you jsut edited the ban.
  3. Lol dat is fogarel ?
  4. Lets not talk about contries, in every country are moron people.
  5. The whole forum dont like you, even the others completely retarded people. Just stop and leave, you just show the days that pass you become more idiot.
  6. If i would see im not accepted by a community i would leave, simple and clever.
  7. Not only 2 words replies means spam, even a sentece. Just dont lock teh topics that are not completely solved, evntual warn him but dont lock the topic, pm a mod to clean it and then you lock it. WHen you will be " up there" you will see mod actions are not so important but the clarity of solving a issue.
  8. nothing dude, i asked seth to unlock it.
  9. ai unlocked it mang ;D
  10. That doesnt mean he can fuck up the wole board, look there 67 posts per day. Ban him, btw dont lock the topics that are not completely solved, watch the topic by Blane in staff section.
  11. commodus you will lock this topic too ? :P
  12. veri gud title mang
  13. ahaha
  14. so what you mean with 25 cc ?
  15. what do you mean with 24 dead ?
  16. omg so awesome
  17. no no. FOrum will be killed by those greeks in few days.
  18. why the heck you vote grisom as admin he's already g mod with admin privs :D
  19. because people dont shit bricks everyday mang.
  20. dude im 3 times more older in staff than you here >.> you will shit bricks
  21. eh and furiosus to gold member. eh and chandy to client dev.
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