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Everything posted by Raule

  1. and the hidden is guest or user ? :P
  2. ahaha
  3. brrrrrrrrram
  4. yaw yaw
  5. f for Fhucky aka chucky
  6. Raule


    i dont see any banner with Opera.
  7. ce-mi misca neuronii cedrea cu berceni progresu
  8. Raule


    That's nothing i would not smite him, i would directly ban him. -1 karma for double posting etc, next is ban.
  9. brrrrrrrrrraaaaaaam
  10. doc e greu lasa urme-n bitum cand raz one pune beat-ul.
  11. the funny thing is you should be banned ;D
  12. sa se mai stranga
  13. foarte ok
  14. finito do we get adenas in spam team section ?
  15. Raule


    Is kinda ok, you have now profile comments. What about msn?
  16. cul story.
  17. emoquit xd, lock it. hope im not gonna be reported because i brake dwarfphilian's rule
  18. you and yhn, you were the most actve in spam section in that time, and ye i was g mod.
  19. if you dont care dont watch the topic, and speak for yourself and not for the whole community, is not only me that wants to join. The funny thing i added some members in this rank but im not in :D
  20. big spam ?
  21. ye but nobody cares about this rank anymore
  22. Dude, Cubase! all good beatmakers use it.
  23. icsd
  24. smeagol ?
  25. big spam
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