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Everything posted by Raule

  1. ma vreti iar global moderator ?
  2. karma ii nimic.
  3. nici vorba
  4. qq yourslef boy, the most emochildish comment ever seen.
  5. you iz very pro mang
  6. no moar in staff, no moar respect, got it? meschinii mimeaza - ask setkh to translate it
  7. this guy is from my town.
  8. ADN se pisa pe toti emcee tai si in engleza
  9. clar goatzi pai
  10. ye join from that link and you will be his slave.
  11. ye join from that link and you will be his slave.
  12. no ai inteles ma? ii traji un pumn si fujim.
  13. Not worth to watch romanian championship. One players from Bayern costs more than the whole team of Cluj.
  14. i laiks Gareth Bale.
  15. insfarsit un cunoscator.
  16. nici vorba, eminem e mai cunoscut..
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z295pQHdzvo&feature=player_embedded
  18. bucata ghe tort, am fost o luna la sala si faceam doar o zi pe saptamana abdomen si am un six pack mic :D
  19. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28158.msg1461846#msg1461846 delete cs post
  20. tu vrei sa slabesti? da ca da, continua, daca nu informeaza-te cum se lucreaza un muschi
  21. saks inna
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