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Everything posted by Raule

  1. ai grasime pa burta? baga crunch-uri si ridicare ale picioareleor, nuam fi atent cum le faci sa nu bagi la fese.
  2. sa muoara toati fetili ca am tohan cu frana pe disc si telescop pe gas si bag la chept cu trizaci
  3. e o pla, nu vezi ce urat si-a lucrat abdomenu? asta inseamna sa fi cocalar comunitar si sa bagi exercitii cum iti bate tie capu'.
  4. facem records cocalarilor grey ca griu-n engleza e facem records tarfo, e sunetu paduri sa-ti intre bine-n cap ca un calibreu tras in ceru gurii Facem Records - sunt pestii mari nu doar o fatza Facem Records - Lei letali , tu doar o matza facemrecords un cerc select altii se misca-ncet ca un melc cu coarne de cerb in lipsa de intelec facemrecords 100% natural, fara adaos, fara sirop , fara zahar in plus fara zaharina
  5. eu aleg facemrecords!
  6. watch my title.
  7. Ok i lied. People found out you saks and they left.
  8. ok nids moar advertising
  9. as player, enchanting safe is SAKS.
  10. Ahaha lolifeatures. Safe 3 max + 16. Enchant rate 60 up to 70.
  11. pur si simplu nu-mi place stilu lui, e ceva gen cheloo..nu-mi place.
  12. eminem saks, nu-mi palce eminem
  13. cat de tare poa sa fie milidia asta http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z295pQHdzvo&feature=player_embedded#!
  14. meet the zohan dude where's my car big stan ?
  15. /attackforce?
  16. sa cresti amre acolo unde esti mic
  17. for my friend zombie penetrator and mummy earfucker and vampire pantyfucker, Setkh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z295pQHdzvo&feature=player_embedded#!
  18. oloz
  19. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=183218.0 locad
  20. Indeed saks member.
  21. you still didnt send me your adena, i need adena like hot bread, nah dont tell me to buy hot bread i have already. Sent mi adenaaa
  22. they wanna know if they still got it
  23. Coyote cu-n cui in coaie, pute ca o oaie ca n-a facut baie.
  24. Furio also delete the last two posts from the thread wich was moved in exploit requests.
  25. Don't do it, i knew its wrong section but we are not allowed to post. Waiting a mod to move it and delete our posts, i dont care if i get a smite though, just wanted to say to pwnnZNoR^-!~,. :D
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