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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Just love Arrested Development! Worth its imdb 9.4 Awesome sitcom better than how i met your mother, big bang, community etc!
  2. Raule

    Free Time :/

    Nice. I will start next month, making some money to buy supplements.
  3. DO not allow links on the first 50 posts.
  4. azi la 11 pe music channel clipa la deliric1 - fugi
  5. neofobi in perceptia alurii..cand de fapt sunt toti o reflectie a lumii
  6. si-acum nici viitorul nu mai e ce era..
  7. Yes your bonus position will count. Just don't worry about the delay placing of positions, it is because of high am o unt of purchases. They are still upgrading their servers. Just some info when it was top #321, now is top#300: LE: in june 1 i had 23 positions, now is 28 june and i have earnt more than 520$ ;D
  8. Arrested Developement tv series ;D
  9. Raule


    didn't watched lol
  10. 50 positions - 10$ a day - 1$ in balance.
  11. am scos 20$ doar asa la caterinca :)) saptamana viitoare tre sa merg la banca
  12. de ieri pana azi am facut 50$ e bine?
  13. iona sau o scrisoare pierduta si mai ea ceva de marin preda, nu mai stiu am scris iona
  14. 50 positions ujelly?
  15. Raule

    Free Time :/

    at least you make some grandmas happy Buy some wieght gainer and go to gym.
  16. spargem rapu chillbrothers
  17. ce manca pisica inghetata
  18. due to high am o u nt of purchasing positions by members the placing of positions takes up to 8 hours. The daily withdrawls are 400.000$
  19. thanks. Got 24.50$ comission from psomas's refs ujelly psomas? Bought 3 positions 48 positions - 9,60$ a day - 5.30 in balance.
  20. el ar fi ultima persoana cu care as juca Fazan.
  21. Game of Thrones Season 3 will start production in early July. Locations include Belfast, Northern Ireland, Croatia, Iceland and Morocco. “SHARE” this update and spread the word across the realm.
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