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Everything posted by Raule

  1. a fost acu vreo 2 ani
  2. me gusta 2012-06-30 22:31:00 802529-33720451 Payment for New Position(s) $ -10.00 2012-06-30 22:21:43 None Daily Earnings for Active Positions $ 7.50 2012-06-30 20:54:15 1253733-33618464 Commission from 2nd-Level Purchase $ 0.50 2012-06-30 12:01:50 1253733-33337449 Commission from 2nd-Level Purchase $ 0.50 2012-06-30 09:44:41 1212120-33252343 Commission from Referral Purchase $ 1.00 2012-06-30 09:20:25 1259290-33235295 Commission from 2nd-Level Purchase $ 0.50 2012-06-30 09:18:18 1270299-33233787 Commission from 2nd-Level Purchase $ 0.50 2012-06-30 06:02:43 1212120-33135345 Commission from Referral Purchase $ 1.00
  3. zi u nserial ca imediat termin arrested deleopment
  4. y u don't say?
  5. Raule

    Free Time :/

    you are. They are not made in labs they are extracted in labs. Its a difference from made and extracting. Every body builder takes supplements BECAUSE THEY ARE LEGAL. Nuff said.
  6. Raule

    Free Time :/

    You really stupid. creatine = protein? EVery human has creatine in muscles. Proteine is something else. Milk, eggs, soia, red meat etc contains proteine. And its not fake, its like taking vitamins, go ask your doctor. They are SUPPLEMENTS not steroids. A man can't take all te substances it needs to grow its muscles fully just from food. If you don't take anything, you will grow like 25% of 100%. Thats why they are free to use and dont harm you if you read the prospect and use them how they say.
  7. 25 lost if you put 30$(+10$ free so you can have 1 matrix) so it will be 120- 25-30 = 65$ just pure profit but as i said you better compound your earnings for more positions/matrixses. IF you want to invest just 10-20$ and notkeep compounding you will earn really slow, is good to invest 50$+ and compound. If you have 10-20$ to risk and if you want money fast but not guaranteed, go for some hyips.
  8. Raule

    Free Time :/

    you don't say? GO to a professional gym. Hire a personal trainer. Im 100% sure he will recommend you supplements. Wanna know why? because when you are going to gym you need 2g of protein per kg of your body to grow 85% of what you've trained yourself. SO tell me, if you have 80 kg. How you will eat 1,6 kg of pure protein to grow? i just said about proteins and not all the elemnts you need to grow.
  9. After 50 days you will get -10$ from the free position, but you will still earn 5$ from it. ALso you will have to upgrade your account to lvl 1(15$) when you will want to cycle a matrix. I recommend compounding. Calculate your earnings here with compounding and without http://tripler.justbeenpaid.com/calculator/
  10. 1 Position will earn you 150%(15$) in 81 days. Example you bought 4 positions. 4 positions in 81 days=> 60$ those 4 expired positions will transform into a matrix position wich will give you 60$ so you have the 60$ from the 4 poisitons you bought and you have the 60$ from the expired positions, that's 120$ 120$ - 40$ you invested = profit 80$ But if you keep compounding(buy new positions when you get 10$ in your balance from positions) you earn more and more. Just my 50 positions without the 2% when they will expire i will have 25 matrixses thats 1500$
  11. 52 positions today, 53 tomorrow, with those, bought 11 positions this week.
  12. Let me know if you want a collab.
  13. m-am culcat pe la vreo 4 jumate, treaz de la 9
  14. care stie seo?
  15. ca devenim animale
  16. Raule

    Free Time :/

    kids nowdays.
  17. mai tre 10 refs sa scot 4e de pe socialkings
  18. ye. bored to take from phone and upload
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