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Everything posted by Raule

  1. :happyforever:
  2. bici pliz i have 24916 posts
  3. :happyforever:
  4. Da ea era cu totu altfel, in cautarea barabtului perfect e-n 15 mii de puli la modu tandru
  5. hb masturbaster
  6. :happyforever:
  7. pousomasaki :not bad:
  8. da-te-n pula mea de pinguin schizofrenic
  9. :-beep- yeah:
  10. capo di tutti capi si prigat
  11. e de la mine din oras :-beep- yeah:
  12. aisveif ia de aici o stiu pe de rost :-beep- yeah:
  13. rosalie go play with your toys, stop sharing those shits :-beep- yeah:
  14. :-beep- yeah: http://www.trilulilu.ro/muzica-hip-hop/carbon-verticalitate-feat-chimie-si-dj-grigo?utm_source=widget&utm_medium=widget&utm_campaign=audio
  15. i was listening lil jon when i was 10 y.o :happyforever: for real :good sir:
  16. creeaza circumvolutioni convexe pe cortex :-beep- yeah:
  17. asta da, imi misca neuronii graaav :gusta:
  18. no :happyforever: why the heck y u do army since with 1 click y u can destory a country? :good sir: nob greeks :troll:
  19. tre sa recunosc ca nu-mi place laan si kepa :okey:
  20. nob greeks :good sir: y u do army? in ROmania only if y u want :-beep- yeah: where is the democracy? :you serious?:
  21. haha nob ventic :happyforever: what our girlfriend is doing? :troll:
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