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Everything posted by Raule

  1. :happyforever:
  2. Raule

    Awards given

    made 8 ki adenas saying blane didnt add the awards :happyforever:
  3. :good sir:
  4. fmdzo rosalie
  5. Raule

    Awards given

  6. Raule

    Awards given

    nob matiu :forever alone like a boss:
  7. :forever alone like a boss:
  8. from freedom wrote pages unlimit, now my rage is infinite
  9. it's been ages in the on since i've been locked in cages
  10. my off the dome's off the norm, off the pawn
  11. eroding bricks in the front of the storm
  12. kids dont know about spam amre it was before they even born
  13. spam amre :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever:
  14. vaipăr?
  15. EU am vrtu sa fac law school, chiar mi-a placut si nu mi s-a parut grea, insa mi-am dat seama ca nu o sa rezist dpdv financiar.
  16. facultatile-s supraapreciate. E plina Romania de oameni someri cu facultati terminate, tre si meseriasi.
  17. Raule


    6 days
  18. ce faculta faci?
  19. is la lucru :okey:
  20. Raule

    Awards given

    fmdzo blane
  21. Undeva pe wikipedia sub poza lui Țuțea ai sa gasesti interesant unde duce mintea.
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