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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Try with this http://rapidshare.com/files/240272908/ip.rar.html
  2. Already Posted
  3. The sig is awesome, i don't know from where you have so much inspiration..:P
  4. Total time logged in: 12 days, 21 hours and 45 minutes. Posts: 462 (1,422 per day) ;D
  5. This bug remembers me the old times, thanks for share ^^
  6. Step 1 make a new Text Go to Layer>Type>Convert to Shape Now go to Edit->transform->Perspective Now you can do futher transforming by going to Edit->Transform->Skew/Distort, just transform until you are happy with your text Holding down the Ctrl +Alt, press the Up Arrow Go to Layer>Merge Visible Here is the final result with drop shadow Credits to me.
  7. I don't call them awesome ^^ Maye i will use them, thanks.
  8. Lineage II General Discussion [English]
  9. Request Dev Help L2J
  10. [En] I Don't know why you talk, you cannot see it and we spoke in pm about that.
  11. Nice skinns, i will use the Red Future, thanks.
  12. MikrosHoOliGan
  13. Try clicking the F button.
  14. The sig ownz. Maybe you could improve the background with some stripes :P
  15. Should be in Request Client Modding Help
  16. Many topics with same subject have been posted http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=25150.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=26820.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=56303.0
  17. Is with 350, should be more :P?
  18. It should work with 1kkk also, don't know about lag.
  19. The Karma got karma ^^ this is very helpful, i go make some texts :> , thanks.
  20. Try downloading some codecs http://www.free-codecs.com/download/ace_mega_codecs_pack.htm
  21. Well, hide your reply.You will see more gold bars.
  22. Well, you should deposit them and keep only 2-3, so you wont lose. P.s please stop pming me to show you this topic.
  23. I think thats happen when you're so curios, i don't recommend this for old ppls ;D
  24. Nice x.X i was listening music -.- i saw it with almost max volume.
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