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Everything posted by Raule

  1. [Cedry2k] Sistemul e-un monstru lacom cu chip hidos S-acum e prea grava drama sa mai pot fi milos. Te miros ca esti chitros, te rogi de Hristos Sa-ti risipeasca teama, da' tu nu esti credincios. Si daca d-asta nu-ti dai seama nu fi si prost sa dai alarma. Lasa-ti dama ca un pusti fricos, lasa-ti arma si fugi din post, Lasa cazarma pe usi din dos, fugi cat poti. Musc din toti. Am rabdat atat de mult incat Acum am acumulat o foame de lup in gat D-aia lupt urat cu oagari ce vor sa para duri, Vor doar sa sparga guri imprastiind basini pe-o raza larga-n jur. Sunt soldat, ma jur, cel mai perseverent, Cel mai persistent existent, supune-te! Tin o mana forte pe pix, d-aia n-apar zambete. Vin in amonte pe Stix, tu te duci pe apa Sambetei. Jupiter - Yo, yo, Cedry2k! Nu merita, coa*e, nu merita, Nu merita sa-i lasi asa in p*la mea, toti viermii astia sa respire, sa vorbeasca, n-au cum sa ramana in picioare. E Facem Records, coa*e! N-au decat sa se tarasca daca vor sa ramana pe zona. Aici e Jupiter, nenorocitul de arhitect. Am ridicat fundatia, Carbon, explica-le la fraieri! [Carbon] Privind Hip-Hop-ul ca un natura in fauna mioritica Vad MC-ii in stare critica, tipica celor lipsiti de autocritica. Ei zic ca fara dubii sunt buni si se ridica Dar scad in ochii lumii si lumea lor este tot mai mica. Ca prin sita publicul alege, culege, Trece lirica tema si tehnica prin sisteme de valori. Este o lege nescrisa unde eu sunt prezent in clipa precisa In clipa prezisa sa fiu lumina cand altii sunt in eclipsa. Le dau o fisa ca-s ca un telefon fara ton Si-n lipsa de dialog rimele sunt ca un monolog Se-ntorc impotriva lor, ii vad stand cu capul in nori, Nu disting realitatea, in ratiune e foarte usori, Nu pot atinge greutatea. Stii care e partea dubioasa? Ei nu se lasa, nu le pasa, mintea lor e ca o crevasa Loc pentru prostie crasa Cum sa-i consideri pe aceeasi felie? Nu stam la aceeasi masa cum poa' sa creada ca au strofa de rasa cu o strofa falsa? Le dau clasa ca din clasa mea sociala zdruncin sistemul Ei cad in plasa, se lasa dusi ca au clase cat are trenul. Indemnul meu> "Lasati-ne! Sunteti sub semnul esecului." Impotriva eticii, impotriva esteticii, impotriva predicii ce-o sustin Yo! Loveste-i din plin! L Doc - Yo! Inca va mai intrebai cine, cum? Inca va mai intrebati de ce? ARMADA - instauram noua ordine in haosul asta. Facem Records, larvelor! Poti sa aplici pentru pensie, prietene. Aici nu mai e loc pentru altii! Cedry2k, explica-le tu! [Cedry2k] Tu vrei sa sa-mi dai senzatia ca lupti cu tranzitia Doar pentru ca-asa spune traditia. De fapt te lupti doar cu calvitia Fara succes si nu-ti poti depasi inhibitia. Sunt cinic ca inchizitia, Initial iti certific disparitia. Te identific cu intuitia, mi-amplific jurisdictia Pana ma identific cu justitia Si-ti verific dentitia fara sa ma justific ca militia. si-o fac doar ca sa-mi fortific ambitia, Imi fortez conditia. Ca sa-nfrunt inanitia Tre' sa-nvat sa-mi dozez minutios hrana si munitia Pe tot parcurul razboiului cu malnutritia. Dau calupuri de rime pe loop-uri divine Da uppercuturi in spline si (??) pline Gata sa mut munti, retine! Incrunt frunti senine, infrunt crut destine Si-s crud! Nu crut pe nimenï! With translator : [Cedry2k] System is a voracious monster with ugly face It is now too serious drama to be compassionate. You smell like you citron, pray to Christ Let me dispel the fear, yes' you're not faithful. And if d-asta nu-ti dai seama be stupid not to give the alarm. Let your women like a scared kid, let your gun and run from post Leave the doors of barracks dos, run as you can. Bite of all. I rabda so much that Now I acquired starve in neck D-that ugly fight with oagari what they look tough, They only want to break basin mouths spread on a wide range in the surrounding area. I am a soldier, I swear, most tenacious, Most existing persistent, bring yourself! Hold a pen in hand strength, d-aia n-smiles appear. Friday Stix on upstream, you go on Saturdays water. Jupiter - Yo, yo, Cedry2k! Not worth it, COA * s not worth it, Not worth it let him in on my p *, all these worms to breathe, talk, did not like to stay up. We E Records COA * e! I just have to crawl if they remain on the area. This is Jupiter, fucking architect. I built the foundation, Carbon, explain them to the suckers! [Carbon] Hip-Hop on the nature of a fauna in mioritic See MC-II in critical condition, typical of those deprived of self. They say that without doubt are good and stand But in the eyes of the world decrease and their world is increasingly small. As the public choice sieve, collecting, Pass the lyrical and technical systems of values. It is an unwritten law where I am now in precise moment In the second predicted to be light when others are in eclipse. Give them a dime-s as a free phone tone And in the absence of dialogue rhymes are like a monologue Back is against them, I see the stand with his head in the clouds Not distinguish reality in reason is very easy, Can not achieve weight. You know who's the dubious? They do not leave, do not care, their mind is like a crevice Place for crass stupidity How do I find the same piece? Do not sit at the same table Poa how 'to think that they strofa the race with a strofa false? Them in class as my class shaking social system They fall in place, it leaves that have taken classes but is the train. Encouraging my> "Leave us are under the sign of failure." Against ethics against aesthetics, predicii against a claim that Yo! Hurt them in full! L Doc - Yo! Just who will ask, how? Will still ask why? Armada - establish new order in this chaos. We Records larvae! You can apply for retirement, my friend. There's room for others! Cedry2k, explain them know! [Cedry2k] You want to give me the feeling that the fight with the transition Just because tradition says so. In fact you only fight calvitia Without success and you can not overcome the inhibition. I'm cynical as Inchizitia, Initially I certify disappearance. I identify with intuition, I magnify jurisdiction Until I identify with justice And your check without teething to justify the militia. and will do just to strengthen my ambition, It provided strong. To hunger nfrunt Gotta nvat I thoroughly dozez food and ammunition Parks throughout the war with malnutrition. Dau calupuri size of the loop divine links Yes uppercuturi in spline and (?) Full Ready to move mountains, remember! Lour senine forehead, face spared destinies And raw-s! Do not spare anyone!
  2. The guy from my avatar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KuUsGO-WLg&feature=related
  3. forget the phone, i need money for painkillers, do you have money for painkillers ?!
  4. da in baie, dc ?
  5. Well the links are the same, i think you meant that topic from ps section, right ? anyway thanls.
  6. K, thanks.
  7. Well, you must wait till some one make request sig's topic. Locked.
  8. K, thanks.
  9. Yea i forgot ;D gn and hf guys with girls ofc.
  10. haha you fink you ar smart?
  11. Btw going to sleep, gn Javule and all.
  12. he meant posts :o :D
  13. this is the life
  14. plz adena, im new in server
  15. I will ban Grisom for 3 years, maybe i will reach him T.T
  16. For your first job is ok.
  17. Then you will have 0 members haha.
  18. I think that you should recruit people with more than 500 posts in spam section.
  19. You can spamm without any crew. I just remembered i will be inactive for some days, maybe weeks.Anyway i just gully asked.
  20. dont tell me your clan is full
  21. oh...can i join the team?
  22. Wat du yu min?
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