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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Nice description dude, its your job to add the description when you share something.
  2. Raule


  3. Raule


  4. Nobody. One user had like 3 pages with this word posts.
  5. Hey guys, what "oraios" means ?
  6. The Ilusionist, Avatar.
  7. Gratz, you lost your forum virginity ^^
  8. Guys, my fishes will choking if i understand something
  9. Wtf is that ? Ce pula mea e aia ?
  10. Baieti, sa se-nece pestii mei daca inteleg ceva.
  11. Dunno. Hey Chandy, i bought Pato, i told you ?
  12. Ori " taci in pula mea" xD
  13. Ok, daca va inerveaza Devangell spunetii " Taci Dracu" If Devangell piss you off tell him " Shut the Fuck up"
  14. Raule

    -4 karma

    It seems that the rule has been disabled or i am blind ?
  15. Nici eu, pentru ca n-am inteles ce ai scris >.>
  16. I'm more better :D
  17. Reinstaleaza
  18. I warned him and locked the topic. Locked.
  19. Carbon, stop bumping old topics, damn. locked.
  20. Raule


    Solved already.
  21. Moved to junkyard.
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