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About IloveProgramming

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  1. Where I can buy a cheap domain .com? cheapest I found was on Godaddy for 12 euro and Hostinger for 10 euro.
  2. I am looking for L2Tales files from 2020 +- , I know they are not the most perfect files for a server but I am looking for them.
  3. I don't understand why you are so offended and aggressive, who allowed you to disrespect me or call me in any way? Did I insulted you? You act like a angry kid, grow up boy. omg, everyone here is stupid or blind? I did not call his project "shit", he called his own project "shit" and I asked him why.
  4. You only read what you want and you feel offended by what I said. You called the leaked project a trash, a shit, whatever you wish to, and you call your latest revision the best ever, I want to point out for example, I am a subscriber since 2018 and I stop in 2024 august let's say, and I contnue to work on your 2024 august revision, all this years I payd for your subscription in the end I am left with trash, shitty files and I need to pay again just to get the last revision to own something good? EXPLAIN ME THIS PLEASE
  5. He called "shit" his own work he sell to people, not me!
  6. I found this post randomly and I started to read the comments and after all I have only one question in my mind and you refuse to answer. Again: All your previous versions are shit and the last one is the best ever? What is going to happen to the last revision of your source after the next revision is going to be avaibile?
  7. @Mobius I only asked you one question! All your previous versions are sh*t and the last version is the best ? Because this is what you said.
  8. You consider me a complette moron... ok. But you did not answered my question!
  9. So, make me understand one thing, you consider your previous work a crap? Everyone who has payd for l2jmobius subscription since 2018 untill 2024 had access to a crap version of your server and the best is the latest you release in this very moment to your actual subscribers?
  10. This server online since 2019 with the same name L2Pride Remastered!
  11. Welcome to L2Pride Hello dear community, as you know we keept working on our beloved Interlude and we are updating everything! Here are the new game files, with this you will be able to login in our Beta server and be a part of the game development, your ideeas can become real. Become a tester now! New Game Client: download any interlude clean client ️ New Patched System [BETA v3][ mega.nz ]: https://mega.nz/file/bSAzEK7Q#0GO74mN4BpjvVtCE5f1YUSMOxPfq-q3vjsfK7WW0suk ️ New Patched System [BETA v3][ google drive ]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sT1zbKM0kq3PVI7nQ33aJWpgRX59kUpY/view?usp=drive_link ️ New Patched System [BETA v3][ mediafire ]: https://www.mediafire.com/file/fanffl2ik9n3fwu/L2Pride_Interlude_Remastered_[Ver_43660].rar/file Instructions: download our server patch and add it into your Lineage2 folder (interlude chronicle) you don't need to delete your old system enter in our patch folder and run L2.exe Have fun Discord: https://discord.gg/FXvEK5fCx3 In our discord group you will find all needed informations about our server!
  12. when your sallary is between 400 and 500 euro you expect to pay that 5 euro that easy?
  13. Can someone share the link me to? I cannot download it.
  14. Sounds like a scam. Make the informations public so we can see if your product is real and if it worth to be payd
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