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Everything posted by barberas

  1. Make offers pls for 1b or 2b. Thanks Im still waiting for some offers
  2. good seller thank you hope to trade with you soon :)
  3. not even fishing works with ig walker :(
  4. is or is not gracia off?
  5. can someone help me with l2infob.dat for private creation for dragon network when i open up the craft list its empty ty any info bout this helps alot
  6. if you play on a server with substack clases you can play easy with destro/tyrant with zealot/frenzy mj set draco set bison totem some tattoos and heaven divider's clean you can have easily 10k patk this is on a 30x server i think its ok and with dha you can crit for 30-40k dmg
  7. earth stones/jewels/crystals the basic elemental stats of the orc is earth especially the wc/ol
  8. you can fight in catacombs where are no debuff mobs like forbidden or dark omen i hate lesser and greater evil
  9. for this poll paladin but if you play on substack class servers you always can choose pal/destro best i ever seen gl
  10. try to buy keys and open chests when you are bored ewa and ews are harder to get but the rest is easy
  11. Curse Death Link with 1 hp and pp buff/dances
  12. saggitarius/warlock best till now on substack servers nice crits with blessing of queen
  13. selling a draconic bow clean with 8 donator coins the average price was 3-4 coins no failure till now happy l2 player for almost 5 years i play a moderate time l2
  14. if the destro had warlord's Shock Stomp and Thunder Storm would be the best between them i play with tyrant/titan and im ok
  15. all servers that have 500+ ppl and mana/emana potions / 30x-50x rates class quest item at shop except 3rd class quest items
  16. Ocean Flame Ashakiel and Hestia,Guardian Deity of the Hot Springs for their atk speed :o
  17. pig hat/pirate hat/pirate eye patch
  18. on dragon network was fixed this exploit ;(
  19. if you didnt know you can use some weapons with SA for self buff in olympiad weapons i use on my fighters : Staff of Evil Spirit + magic focus Staff of Evil Spirit + btb Hell Knife + mental shield Hell Knife + magic regeneration equip them after you enter in olympiad and use bandage,self heal and other skills you can test them before going to olympiad and see how to have them faster cause the succes rate depends on your stats have fun and enjoy
  20. who said about exploit? i try to help l2 comunity and is not a bug also its a method like i said in my thread
  21. i love 30-50x cause you learn fast and after a short time you must think how to obtain better items cause the adena its not enough
  22. i tested the recharge time for cov for faster cov recharging i give first magnus chant then if i have a party i use antigrief and give cov 3 minutes less you save with magnus chant for cov recharging cov and magnus chant are both magic skills more casting speed you have less recharging time for both
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