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Everything posted by barberas

  1. i use on destro,he,sws +dex -str cause they have high crit rate and no need for normal dmg +3 dex - 3 str +2 dex - 2 str
  2. i saw one fight in olympiad - pp vs gladiator pp used heavy armor for attack and robe for heal when he equiped heavy armor his weapon was and 1h sword he won in the end
  3. with adventurer you can help more ppl cause he has lure and all his skills are good lethal landing pretty good
  4. hawkeye and an spoiler or crafter for low rate servers
  5. its working fine only treasure boxes and chests have the same name no diff
  6. i always look for 1/2 hp mobs easiest way to lvl and full drops for me at least and good drops buy or craft an pole and go hunt them
  7. l2 max is a pretty good server i play for about 3 years there and i saw all ups and downs of the server clans rising and falling, ppl leaving and new ppl coming new alliances , new wars and fights between players
  8. i played l2 1 year , almost every day, and then after an year i started again and now its more funnier for me and i play only 2-3 h top so the experience its more funnier than before
  9. click right button and view image
  10. its working on my sever too but i must be carefull not to fall , cause mobs kill me, and for any chars of any lvl the xp and sp its the same when i kill an dino
  11. and when i said armor set i meant any set
  12. luck? when i crafted many many items? you make me smile and on all servers is a method to suceed more than 60% and it was 13/15 tt jewels maybe im noob but crafting is my style so who has no idea about crafting pls do not post here ty in advance
  13. my crafting method is simple i always have maximum 39 inventory slots i have only my armor set on me no jewels , no weapons , no shields and my succes rate is better than 70-80% on recipes 60% if i craft only 2-3 items / day succes rate is better i dont use special spots or locations i just craft all my items in giran town my records are 20/21 som 15/13 tt jewels and a lot more and s grade weapons never failed me 5/5 server rates 35x its very balanced and proper for playing i hope this mini guide help some of you for other crafting guides pm me
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