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About L2Fuss

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  1. https://discord.com/invite/bX2hVfAhG2
  2. Today is the day! https://l2fuss.eu/
  3. Hi there! Based on the below i adapted the champion mod code for acis 401. Not my proudest work but it gets the job done. https://pastebin.com/GR78sg0Z
  4. After a long beta period our server is about to launch . We would love to see you! Register your account at https://acm.l2fuss.eu/en/login
  5. Many new features have been added! Join our discord for more.
  6. Hey there! Look for if (scrollTemplate.isBlessed()) { Under aCis_gameserver\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\network\clientpackets\RequestEnchantItem.java file and do something like below if (scrollTemplate.isBlessed()) { // blessed enchant - clear enchant value // player.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.BLESSED_ENCHANT_FAILED); int temp = item.getEnchantLevel(); if (temp > 2) { temp = temp - 2; item.setEnchantLevel(temp); player.sendMessage("Enchantment failed. Item enchant is now +" + (temp)); } else player.sendMessage("Enchantment failed."); item.updateDatabase(); player.sendPacket(EnchantResult.UNSUCCESS); } else {
  7. Hey there! It looks like it doesnt like the file path? Maybe remove the (XML) from the file name .
  8. Hey mates, Also change this to player player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(player, player, buffid, bufflevel, 1000, 0));
  9. Have you tried to get a fresh new client and reapply the patch ?
  10. Sorry for my late response and thank you for your kind comment @Destorion ! This game is the reason why i became a software engineer in the first place (first touch with java, eclipse, websites etc) so you see there is an emotional attachment (more likely an addiction :P). Trying to balance life and l2 dev is a bit hard but we our community is still growing strong! Special thanks to maxcheaters for all the shares and guides! Regarding l2fuss.eu join our discord people, lets grow our community and have some fun! Test server is live. Server Site: https://l2fuss.eu/ Discord: https://discord.gg/bX2hVfAhG2
  11. Hello there, Check out this post https://pastebin.com/2vCC5Dri You need to remove if statement.
  12. Hello all, So the server is no longer live but on Open Test/Developing Mode (Open Beta or more likely Open Alpha) we are still developing it. We take our time, because of work, and slowly we implement new features. Our test patch can be found at https://l2fuss.eu/ If you want to be part of our community join us on discord: https://discord.gg/bX2hVfAhG2
  13. Less than an hour left! Lets go! Hello all, Server is now live, could you please move this post to private servers? Thank you
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