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api last won the day on February 20 2022

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  1. https://www.elmorelab.com/
  2. you can edit it via UTPT+hex, small fix need to delete it and btn will stop being hide by default
  3. this show only event window for add new event icon in sidebar - need work with interface.u sidebar not show\hide btns from server, only live\classic ver. difference, l2.ini params and hardcode in *.uc scripts
  4. Font: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/O36_O7gT1kELFg
  5. more easy way "do it yourself"
  6. Hi Make window OnScreenMessageExWnd with 28 textboxes on screen center: Add it to a new *.uc class with the same name (OnScreenMessageExWnd) class OnScreenMessageExWnd extends UICommonAPI; const DAMAGE_MESSAGE_OFFSET = 100; const MAX_DAMAGE_MESSAGE = 28; var WindowHandle Me; var TextBoxHandle DamageText[MAX_DAMAGE_MESSAGE]; function OnLoad() { local int i; Me = GetWindowHandle("OnScreenMessageExWnd"); for (i=0; i<MAX_DAMAGE_MESSAGE; i++) { DamageText[i] = GetTextBoxHandle("OnScreenMessageExWnd.DamageText-0-" $ i); } } function OnRegisterEvent() { RegisterEvent( EV_SystemMessage ); } function OnEvent(int Event_ID, string param) { switch( Event_ID ) { case EV_SystemMessage: HandleSystemMessage(param); break; } } function HandleSystemMessage (string a_Param) { local int SystemMsgIndex, DamageToPlayer, i; ParseInt(a_Param,"Index",SystemMsgIndex); switch (SystemMsgIndex) { case 2261: //player msg case 2281: //summoner msg for(i=0; i<MAX_DAMAGE_MESSAGE; i++) { if(DamageText[i].GetText() == "") { DamageText[i].SetAlpha(255); ParseInt( a_Param, "Param3", DamageToPlayer); DamageText[i].SetText(string(DamageToPlayer)); DamageText[i].SetAnchor( "OnScreenMessageExWnd", "BottomCenter", "BottomCenter", -200 + Rand(150), Rand(60) ); DamageText[i].ClearAnchor(); DamageText[i].Move(0, -1500, 8f); DamageText[i].SetAlpha( 0, 2.8f ); Me.KillTimer(i + DAMAGE_MESSAGE_OFFSET + 1); Me.SetTimer(i + DAMAGE_MESSAGE_OFFSET + 1, 2500); break; } } break; } } function OnTimer (int TimerID) { Me.KillTimer(TimerID); if(TimerID >= 101 && TimerID <= 200) DamageText[TimerID-DAMAGE_MESSAGE_OFFSET-1].SetText(""); } Result: Enjoy
  7. You wrote me 15 minutes ago write to right contacts
  8. ok, make it and upload to forum share-section, all in your hands idk for what need this conversation, you dont work with it, you dont understand size of work, but you say "dude this easy, you only copy it from new clients"
  9. this right l2classic login screen for interlude-H5 (legacy) clients how do you think it is done? //also we can make Lobby\CreationLobby for H5 clients + interface:
  10. but not for 10$
  11. best developer
  12. Hello. We decided to start YouTube channel on which we will try to lay out our developments, completed tasks, any tests, examples, etc. Client Development
  13. Hello. We have updates. 1) Now we do not only interface works, we are doing effects. (LineageEffect.u - get, change, add, replace, etc.) 2) And we are work with any hats, cloak, mounts, animations, etc., which can be reached from the top protocols for you server
  14. thank for feedback it's hard, every order \ things are dynamic price, depends on functions\design (even with similar window) sometimes they ask what I didn't even think about and i'll say price only after checking (real\not real) but my price is not high, it all depends on complexity Rough example: Auto-enchant \ auto-combine (on screenshots) made for 100-150$ (have different functionallity)
  15. NEW (08.02.22): New new option to work with client effects NEW (08.02.22): New option for the sale of any additions from new protocol (hats, mounts, cloaks, etc.) I do not work with 152, 286, 306 protocols! Hello, i'm working with interface Lineage II (interface.u\interface.xdat) Working with protocol: from ~273(hf) to last: (166, 196, 311, 338) or any protocol Who am I: Experience about 8 years Work with large projects Knowledge of all client functions and APIs Work with info from server (Bypasses\SendUIEvent\ExSendUIEvent) The ability to implement 99% of what you want* Necessary software, including add-on protection** Non-standard approach to problem solving *provided that the thing for implementation can be created by the basic functionality of the client **Specify the presence of software and source for the required protocol What i can: Any work on the markup of the elements *.xdat (XML) Any work on creating logic of the elements *.u (UnrealScript) Any work on the scripting logic of the *.ugx elements (gfx-flash) NEW: Working with the effects of any protocols (LineageEffect.u) NEW: Sale (hats\cloaks\mounts\animations) Buying software I can provide contacts a proven developer to buy software\interface source for all protocols. When buying and providing software, you get the entire source code of orders (we create git or use other methods). When buying and providing software, you get discounts on orders Example Small examples of my work If you want to know more or want check my knowledge or you need to navigate in price - write to my discord\TG YouTube Discord: Voices!#0001 Telegram
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