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Everything posted by Hustman

  1. Well I will try to find any pics but what i mean is a line around the area of the monument in domination event or around the battle royale event that gets smaller every sec
  2. I've seen that many servers have it at events mostly. Anybody knows how can I draw lines like that?
  3. The only thing I want to know is, who is responsible for the countdown of the delay, that's all.
  4. Thank you for answering, very instructive article. However, I am unable to locate in the ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor section, who is responsible for the delay countdown. Does the thread also perform this function? Does this mean that it uses CPU resources even before executing?
  5. When you create a task to be executed in X time, does the thread burden the pool or the OS even in that X time or only at the execution? Who is responsible for the countdown of that X time?
  6. These are all the places the "_buffs." exists I really can't find it
  7. Does anybody know how are buffs added to the _buffs queue in L2J's h5 pack? I've searched a lot but I couldn't find it. The reason I need this is to make certain buffs to be excluded from the maxbuffs limit. private final Queue<BuffInfo> _buffs = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
  8. Thanks for answering, I never tried to build a server before, sorry for my ignorance not mentioning the pack, yes it's a java pack i believe its the l2j one. Can you link me to any free sources that have event engine? I am interested in the aforementioned events, ctf tvt etc...
  9. I might need in the future an event engine, TVT, CTF, Siege, Domination etc. Any idea how much it would cost for a h5 server?
  10. I can't remember what to change inside l2.ini to enter with pawn viewer mode, anyone can help?
  11. I did, I saw how the flame armor is written for example and I changed Blaze (the skill) to be the same, thing is that the animation that shows is only the flaming ball above the character and not when it hits...
  12. For example, hydro blast, I want to keep only the animation that is on the enemy, to maybe use as soulshot, any ideas?
  13. I don't know, a friend send it to me, I think it is from an interlude server
  14. Well my problem is the interface, I want it to be dynamic, like when you put your cursor on a mastery to pop up a small window with the stats it gives.
  15. Where can I find this for H5? Can I find it shared or is there someone that sells that?
  16. So I have a place where I want players to be unable to wear or remove equipment. I have achieved that from the UseItem() method in L2PcInstance, when a player right-clicks an item they can't wear it or remove it, the thing is that when a player drags and drop the item he wears into inventory, then it lets him unequip it. So my question is, how can I prevent that?
  17. After a bit of searching, that was it, up vote from me! Thanks!!!
  18. Unless I did something wrong, it didn't work, I placed the jar into my libs but still the same
  19. I just run net start and i am assuming this must be it, running? Also my configs
  20. Hello, I have a problem that I can't solve. I have set up mySQL I have also set up a database that I want and also I have changed all the configs to match with mySQL server as well, but I get this error when I am running the startGameServer bat
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