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  1. https://adrenalinebot.com/en/ready-scripts/ - catalog of ready made scripts https://adrenalinebot.com/en/api/examples/ - open source examples https://adrenalinebot.com/join-discord/ - u can ask in our community, there are some devs who can even make script for you
  2. Adrenaline keys can not be cheaper than on official site, sorry)
  3. There are ready solution, script called Hunter (https://adrenalinebot.com/en/script/hunter/) It uses GPS maps for movements, so u can once make all needed routes between towns (there are many ready for different chronicles) and bot will be able to return to spot from any town Adrenaline have no built in methods for that, only if u make ur own solution (packets will not help, need to call game client methods)
  4. if you need just see target HP, then yes, just Adrenaline will be enough. If u wanna track all bosses, you probably will be interested in Raid Boss Tracker script: https://adrenalinebot.com/en/script/raid-boss-tracker/
  5. my eyes >.< pls, use code highlighting the problem is: u have 2 blocks of main begin ... end. script use only first, where u spawn threads but second is skipped, where loop is used contact our tech supports (https://adrenalinebot.com/en/#contacts) - they probably will make it work
  6. link in the signature
  7. https://adrenalinebot.com/en/script/script-recorder/
  8. but there is code example on site, why not use it?) https://adrenalinebot.com/en/api/adrenaline/Classes/TL2Control#FindPath uses Classes; var Path: TList; i: integer; begin Path:= TList.Create; Engine.FindPath(User.X, User.Y, User.Target.X, User.Target.Y, Path); print(Path.count); for i:= 0 to Path.count - 1 do begin Engine.MoveTo(Integer(Path(i)), Integer(Path(i + 1)), User.Z); inc(i, 1); end; Path.Free; end. Probably you try to use this method on cracked "very old" version of adrenaline bot. You will need to use actual version for work with packets. Also you can try Packet Scanner plugin for analyze packets Only using scripts, you can try to make script order on our site
  9. It can be done with script, that will handle keyboard clicks using Engine.WaitAction method Plan: catch laKey event → get what key was pressed → enable \ disable Adrenalne interface using Engine.FaceControl method
  10. Adrenaline Bot can do it
  11. NexTarget (PvP script for Adrenaline Bot) can do it. Check info at https://adrenalinebot.com/en/script/nextarget/
  12. Adrenaline Bot (https://adrenalinebot.com/en/) supports C4 chronicles
  13. Probably its too late, but if someone else will need it: https://adrenalinebot.com/en/pages/hwid-spoofer/hwid-spoofer-installation-purchase-overview/
  14. I think you should try AntiCaptcha script: https://adrenalinebot.com/en/script/anti-captcha/ It has a lot of ready configs for different servers
  15. yes, C1 was added specially for elmorelab, we also added support of C2 recently. so last version of Adrenaline bot is what you need. contact us for more info: https://adrenalinebot.com/en/#contacts
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