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Everything posted by xMafia

  1. how the hell???pwnzor
  2. svn://l2jfree.com/repo/l2j-free is the correct .. check free board ... -.-
  3. yeah party xp is like 1.000x check it .. but i can only collect coins with bishop .. i cant with necro .. with 780 p.def if i remember .. they make me 800 dmg about .. even with AM i cant kill them .. at spot 2 80 + i do 1 dmg and it has about 20k hp ..
  4. i didnt say that you are the best .. i made an example because u post before me .. i saw your nick and i putted it .. but i cant stop with this guys .. they think that they are pro devs .. go at http://www.l2jfree.com/ and post smth so they will help you .... you will go out of the forum in 5 secs ! They are devs not mxc members ..
  5. Noble you have to be too kiddy i agree with zunix .. what the hell .. we discuss about l2j u said pyromaker ( rofl ) and about the other devs? flare you brother is the best what he done LAWL!!!!!!! themental ? what he done too ? i can say zunix is the best over there.. and you suck so ? we dont say who is our dev we discuss about these kids that open a server and they require that their server is 100% implemented so its an pwnz0r ! but at last it sucks .. my point goes to all of them to put off their sig or their nickname that their pro devs ..
  6. I want to play but slow on 60+ Spot 1 for coins their mobs p.atk !! I cant get coins and i cant kill them ! I am 3 hits! I am necro .. do something ..
  7. mhpws i selida pou ebales na deixnei otan anoigei o firefox exei kati ?
  8. I dont want to spam but i have it fixed but i wont share it because mxc doesnt deserve any fix of java.. none knows what java means .. i shared some java guides you can checkout your pack and look into net.sf.l2j.gameserver inside 1 more folder there is a .java file which u have to modify.
  9. omg .. he is l2j dev huh ? a pro l2j dev .. and he went to elixir that is off and he know a sh1t as l2j and they payed them? ok my hands are off ..
  10. Kos , cool island , full of abroad ppl , excellent place!
  11. i agree with alfred and noble but i dont wanna see best devs are : flare ( your bro ) , themental ( he suck balls ) killer i dunno him and pyro too... if we SUCK then your forum suck too .. lawl whole mxc is full of those guys who think they are pro .. do smth ... you watch all the time ? do some action just be cool and not all ppl suck but that they say they are pro devs SUCK!
  12. i am not a dev i was never ( i am vent00za ) but i know little better from those who put on their sigs l2j pro dev and when i ask them via msg to show me his skills in java he say to me "fuck off idiot go learn to compile " wha the hell ?? if all of them were l2j pro devs they shouldnt stay here .. whole mxc doesnt deserve help .. of these kids ... put your title off that you are l2j pro dev and stop flaming on msn because u think you are god and u are sh1t and only .. even my grandma knows better ... about if i care.. i care.. i stoped sharing helping for that ! tbc....
  13. i deleted cookies , restarted my pc .. but still You are a FREE downloader Your limit: /10 Global: 433 / 2000 - Raise limit I cant download it says : Sorry, but to use the REFERRAL system, you need at least 1 credit in your pin! anyway , thx .. bad luck
  14. i made an acc on http://rapidlizard.com and i am logged in .. maybe it nees referral link to do it .. ? i cant understand it
  15. ok but why i put in the white box the link it says me Your File: xxx.rar (6244 ) User FOUND, but no credits anymore! Gain credits with your referral link! Go to the login page to see your referral link!
  16. how many time the premium will stay? awesome k4rm4 u made my day
  17. yap ok .. but why the hell they SAY PRO DEV and they dont know what java means , how i compile , how i take source code.. how can i fix a bug .. how do i use maven on packs ? and then when they find one bug they say omg omg tell me what to do .. if u are really a damn pro dev you shouldnt be on THIS FORUM! this forum has so many people with that sig l2j pro dev and they dont know a sh1t i can continue saying this all day .. just PUT OFF that you have on your personal text and signature with pro dev !
  18. maybe u miss some files ... on your client? simple.... dl it again or check your system .. delete it and put another patched.
  19. why i cant connect to the server ... ? i have the patch L2_Pure_Patch_V4
  20. Total time logged in: 1 days, 3 hours and 52 minutes.
  21. YEAH !! I wanted to say that ! I have it on my title on MSN !! maxcheaters is going down .. from the top to down with these KIDS! They have L2J Pro Dev and they know SH!T they work on preconf packs they just put npcs and we are ready ! A full pro server ! what the -beep- -.- ... if thats a pro what l2j , free , emu devs are .. less that you guys ??? put the damn sig off and stop saying u are a damn pro dev .. i am not a pro dev .. not even dev .. that i think i am and i didnt say i am pro dev .. so stop that before it goes along... me and 1 friend laugh a lot with this KIDS!
  22. i dled it .. i like the song .. its prodigy but remix .. if someone has the exactly name .. it would be awesome !
  23. this section is english one ... translate your post so they will answer .. if u want to speak greek go here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=51.0
  24. I am in .. server is great we need people .. Name IG : xOrdinary ... come all ppl .. server is very good.
  25. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=1600.msg187194;boardseen#new res
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