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  1. Example along with other attributes: <item id="219" price="50000" count="10" restock_delay="60" /> <!-- Sword Breaker -->
  2. Can I still participate? Hello, my server name is "Lineage 2 Song of War" , and I want you to redesign my server. Server Web: "www.lineage2songofwar.com"
  3. I am interested, I have sent you an email but there were no responses.
  4. For most files it works fine, but when modifying "ItemNames" the names and descriptions of some files get mixed up, despite being spelled correctly.
  5. Hi! Any editor for protocol 306? Thanks
  6. Does anyone know where to get some L2 file editor with support for the 306 protocol? Ty
  7. Thanks Kara, I'm going to enter the discord. Greetings.
  8. Thanks for taking the time to respond, Kara, is what I envisioned. I'm new to this, would you give me a nudge with some way to bypass NPC verification? Anyway, thank you very much, have a nice day.
  9. Hello friends, I am working on a personal project L2j Homunculus. After several days trying to run an appearance tester for the CB, I go to consult here. I'm using the base of the "wear" command from some old NPCs, but somewhat reduced. if (command.equals("_bbsequipment")) { player.sendPacket(new ShopPreviewList(BuyListData.getInstance().getBuyList(3013500), player.getAdena())); } After configuring the buttons, it opens the window with the items that I want to try but when I want to buy them, it does not give me the item or any message in the game, but in the Gameserver console it announces "null merchant". Community Board - Services Window for test Shop Preview Window Console Announcement Could someone give me a hand? Thank you.
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