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Everything posted by ouzu

  1. is it possible botting on hot spring with B grade amor n weapon ?
  2. nice shared bro ^^
  3. seem cant make it working on offcial gracia final
  4. working on off Gracia final ? any1 test ?
  5. work on offcial server ?
  6. hah your post only 27 can see it ?
  7. nice progie...can we add manually ip server that we desire ???
  8. ah i thought work on L2 Off gracia final.....for interlude
  9. Soul bow coz i play arbalester.....more p.att
  10. nice guide i will try it on pvp
  11. u cant flood server that has 100MB/sec connection
  12. how about kamael ? i'm playing arbalester
  13. nice info but those item from RB's hard to get
  14. more detail plz !!! plz make a pictures if u made it....how ??
  15. stil use l2bypass...is there no real L2W cracked version ?
  16. how much epaulet need to trade for gaint codex - mastery ?
  17. for l2j ? reading a lot thread hard to find bug for off server....i didnt play l2j
  18. nice sharing
  19. can lower the requerement so ican test fot latest gracia final OFF server ?
  20. anyone test work for L2OFF ? or is it for L2j only...l2j full of bug....it different if u found bug for L2off
  21. this exploit for l2j ? or L2off ?
  22. is it better then L2walker ? walker have nice option for fish... 200 post to high my friend...coz walker has option for fish too
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