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About redsky9

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  1. That's what I'm trying to do. I have that file but I cant get it to work. Not sure how to access and change Font in the code, because it uses a method I don't have implemented (SetFontIDByName)
  2. I'm looking for a way of changing the font size directly from the UI through the uc files, but I am not sure what to use for this. Anyone have any idea how to do it?
  3. wow. what great help.
  4. I'm looking to make a new passive skill and attach it to an item. The skill sweeps automatically when the creature is dead. I'm not sure how to capture the creature dying from the xml file. Am I missing something or does this need to be done in code not config?
  5. It's unfortunate only if they ask money for other peoples work. And offering money upfront attracts those kinds of ppl. Thanks. Will throw him a line.
  6. You only interact with people offering money or do you advertise your work?
  7. I'm looking for the pack of agathions. If someone has one and is willing to share it for free, that's cool. If someone has one and is asking for payment for their services, that's cool. Leave me the price and screenshots. Not sure offering money upfront is a good way of obtaining a good quality product, but I am sure it will attract money hungry vultures that steal other people's work and ask money for it. Unfortunately I speak from experience, both on this forum and others. A freelance creator that values his work will search for "gigs" like this to push his quality products, or have a product page to showcase what he can do. Maybe you know freelancers that never look for work and never communicate to potential clients in hopes of creating long lasting bonds, but where I do business, receiving $20 now is 10000% worse then gaining a good customer that will buy thousands in time. And especially throwing money upfront is a big nono. lol.
  8. After this kind of attitude I think I'll take my money elseware.
  9. Excuse me, what? Thanks for speaking for me. Please pinpoint where I said FREE in my post as it seems you can read people's intentions with your special powers. :))) It's 2022 and like it happened in 2015 and 2008, people still share stuff, if you can believe it. Some of them even ask for money for their work, some don't. And yes money does grow on trees, and the tree species is called WORK, so get back to it and avoid posting if you have nothing to say.
  10. Hello all. I'm looking for a pack of cool agathions that work on H5. As many as you have, please share them. Thanks.
  11. Maybe someone knows how to fill the ID/password fields on the login lobby from code? If so please share the method names or something to get me started. Thanks. bump
  12. Maybe someone knows how to fill the ID/password fields on the login lobby from code? If so please share the method names or something to get me started. Thanks.
  13. Anyone know how I can fill the ID/Password fields on the Login window from code? A small sample with the controls names would be helpfull. Thanks.
  14. Any info? in what dll and how can I edit it?
  15. Quick question. How can one modify the Login screen controls? For example, I want to add a remember password checkbox next to the password field. I can't find the Wnd responsible for this. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
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