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Everything posted by monsieur

  1. i wait this L2 update for a very long time. a great new continent will appear...
  2. i don't think CS is a good FPS.you have to wait too much time. day od defeat source is better.
  3. hie everyone i'm french,i'm 17th and i play L2 since 3 years aproximatly. i wanna try a new way to play to my favorite game, so i decided to join this forum. at this time,i try hlapex,but all the server seem to be protected.i'll try other program soon like l2phx if i succed ton download,install,and use it^^ I also create server L2 sometime to test something on my characters or just for fun. see you later... ;D (if you need translation english-->french for the forum,i can help you)
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