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Everything posted by Virusgr

  1. Virusgr


  2. Οταν έκανες install την java πήγες στις Ο Υπολογιστής μου->Δεξί κλικ->Ιδιότητες->Ρυθμίσεις για προχωρημένους->Μεταβλητές Περιβάλλοντος και άλλαξες το Path κάπως έτσι ;C:\Program Files\java\jdk7\bin; Θα κάνεις ακριβώς το ίδιο για την java 6.Όλα τα guides για να στήσεις l2j server εξηγούν αναλυτικά αυτό το κομμάτι (π.χ. εδώ στο σημείο που λέει Μετά πηγαίνουμε έναρξη ο υπολογιστής μου δεξί Click ιδιότητες! )
  3. Nope,μόνο τα System variables θα αλλάξεις για να δείχνουν στο σωστό path της java.
  4. βγάλε την java 7 και βάλε java 6.
  5. I did not ask for punishment.Punishing him won't get me any satisfaction and i don't care about the money.But getting rich without even deserve to?Hell no.Also i'm not here to judge maxcheaters' anti-scam methods.Our responsibility our problem that's the rules,and we play by the rules.The only thing that irritates me is the phrase i said in the previous post
  6. I know it's my problem but just the "OH PAL THERE IS A SITE WITH HOCUS POCUS AND POOF YOU GOT PSC TO PP DID YOU KNOW??? " is a bit of annoying.IF WE DID we would not trade.
  7. No we don't obviously.I got scammed from the same guy some days ago and nobody gave a flying crap.(Wall of shame topic)
  8. bump again since first cards got scammed.Got another 20 euros in paysafecard (2x10)
  9. wopsie it's System.currentTimeMillis() edited in the quote
  10. Well i read this on the fly.Saw the "if you kill the Grand Boss like Baium etc. he always show alive" phrase and assumed it's not refreshed properly.I was wrong.Also the check is just fine.(If it's allive then delay-System.currentTimeMillis() will be negative or zero or if you like delay<=System.currentTimeMillis()) ) let's do somekind of debug.I've added a line below long delay = bla bla See what message you will get after this add.You'll find out what's wrong
  11. the private class well no.rest stuff yes.Oh and refreshTime*1000.Don't forget we are talking about milliseconds here.
  12. Make sure you got the right client version.This error shows an incompatibility between server and the client trying to connect.So if you use freya then get a freya client or make sure it's a clean freya client.
  13. I'll give you the skeleton of the implementation -Create a method for retrieving the data into a String(with all the html you want to generate) -Put the above method on a ThreadPool and schedule it for a fixed rate(your choice on how many time until next refresh). -Use the sendInfo method you got down there to send the above String to the player in an npc window. Right now you don't refresh the content.
  14. δεν είπα για iexplorer.exe (αυτο είναι το process του ΙΕ),αλλά explorer.exe (process των windows που σχετίζεται με τέτοια προβλήματα) Βέβαια αν έκανες επαναφορά και δεν είδες τίποτα τότε άχρηστο θα πάει το προσωρινό fix.
  15. Βυσσινί θύελλα ΣΟΥΖΑ ΤΟ ΑΛΟΓΑΚΙ!
  16. ctrl+alt+del -> Αρχείο -> Νέα Εργασία (Εκτέλεση..) -> explorer.exe Αυτό ίσως φτιάξει ΠΡΟΣΩΡΙΝΑ το άνοιγμα προγραμμάτων.Θα βοηθήσει μόνο για να μπορείς να ανοίξεις ότι χρειάζεσαι για να κάνεις το restore,δεν είναι λύση μόνιμη.
  17. Don't trade with the guy above.Scammer Proofs
  18. it's a malware.KILL IT WITH FIREEEEE /facepalm
  19. run GSRegister inside login folder and put the hexid.txt in gameserver/config
  20. this will help http://www.l2jserver.com/wiki/Apply_a_Patch
  21. and a cast over here int skillId =(Integer) entry.intValue(); int skillLvl =(Integer) ceffects.get(entry).intValue(); (that's why you should parametrize the map , you would avoid casting ;) )
  22. Scammed a psc 10e.(deal was for 2x10euro psc for 17 paypal). Maxcheaters name MadDealer(proof it's him) Msn logs I don't care about the money.I do care about rules though.Those guys are ruining the marketplace.I don't care if he's VIP.He probably bought it by scamming. Take action.
  23. agreed,but good luck with moving those threads.bunch of them.should be like new bugfixes(if any),get moved there.
  24. I did suggested the solution and it was IGNORED. Then i said the cause of the NPE.Guess what IGNORED again. Seriously,bad eyes are bad.Bad reading skills are..well double bad. Have fun skipping answers.
  25. soad. this
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