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Everything posted by sτrίkε-

  1. First GPU is internal to motherboard so i cant remove and replace it again. If i put an external GPU then external GPU > internal GPU so i can test it. Το τροφοδοτικο αν ηταν δεν θα ανοιγε καν ρε..
  2. Hey mxc community, I have a pc to my home and it wont open. I press the power button, after then all the fans are starting and i'm hearing a beep continuously. The monitor is still black. Any help for what's going or wrogn or what have been destroyed?
  3. Κανεις πληροφοριες για το SPI στα ελληνικα?
  4. day by day it helps me more and more. If you google for SEO guides you havent the experience to choose the best. Many things are complicated out there. I Think that it's the best i have found till now. Can be stickied if someone of this staff read it and understand the point.
  5. This is a simple SEO guide for those looking to make money online. I am going to use stuff out of my old guide and add to it.. So here we go and feel free to ask questions later Step 1) Picking your domain Most people don't know that they seriously hurt their sites with bad domain choices. I see it time and time again. The best way to choose a domain is to choose one that is relevant to your content. For example if your making a site about oranges..Then www.oranges.com = GOOD , www.apples.com = BAD. I know that sounds stupid, but the point is that you should always include your main keyword in your domain name. This will help you 100% when attempting to SEO your site. Step 2) Duplicate content and choosing www. or no www The second thing you should always do is to decided which you want to use www or no www. Doing this now saves you from dealing with problems later on. I would suggest doing this right away after setting up hosting and pointing domain and all. You can do this a couple ways, one is through your hosting panel, and another is using htaccess. If you have cpanel its very easy to do in the panel, but for those DIY types here is the code: Simple create a txt file called .htaccess in notepad. Don't forget the . in front of name and then save it as all files. Then enter the correct code for your choice and save it. Then upload to the root directory of your site This is for no WWW: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.example.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://example.com/$1 [R=301,L] This is for WWW: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.example.com/$1 [R=301,L] Step 3)Quality Content This pretty much goes without saying, but I like to put it on the list. You want to have some good quality content chock full of keyword rich descriptions and such. You should know before you build the site what keywords your going to target, so you want to sneak those in, but not overdo it. Its kind of like a game. Keyword stuffing is BAD, but just enough is fine. I on a rule try to keep all my keywords I want to target at about 5 to 7% density on a page. I do this just because this is what I learned way back when. And I am a stubborn person who is set in my ways. Also, another good tactic which has never been proven positive or negative is surrounding you main keywords with the <strong> tag, for example <strong> keyword </strong> I do this all the time just out of habit. I have no idea the pros and cons. Some people still use Bold tags, but I like strong. Also, just to kill 2 birds with one stone, you want to work in some adsense targeting here, assuming you will be using addsense. So, you would want to add weight to your main content, like so : The HTML tags to emphasize a page section take the following format: <!-- google_ad_section_start --> stuff <!-- google_ad_section_end --> Or you can take it away.. <!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) --> stuff <!-- google_ad_section_end --> Doing this assures you better content relevant ads from adsense. Not always, but hey they say do it and we will reward you. So its worth doing it. Step 4)Meta Tags People sometimes forget these still do matter. Every engine uses them for something. Most of them use them to pull description from for your Serps. And can leave you with ugly looking Serps if you don't take care of this, plus if you take the time they can also help you in the engines. You want to have relevant Meta for every page of your site. Luckily, like on a forum using variables and such we can bypass having to do this manually, but if your doing it manually then you will have to do it by hand in HTML or whatever it is your coding in. That blows, but hey these are still important. Every page needs its own meta info. If you have to do by hand then so be it but this is VERY IMPORTANT!! Step 5)Sitemap I am hoping everyone knows what a sitemap is, so I am not going to talk much about it. But once you have all your content ready and your ready to submit to the engines, then create a sitemap. There are tons of tools you can Google for this, so use Google Step 6)Robots.txt This is very important in helping you weed out the crap on your site. Alot of sites have pages that really serve no purpose or value for Google. They are only there for the users. And so we use a simple robots.txt to weed them out. I cant talk much about this because not everyone is going to be the same. But, if your using vbulletin I will show you what we are using. Also, always include a valid link to your sitemap at the bottom of your robots.txt. This is very Pr0 Step 7)Submitting to engines This is your last step. You have everything ready and now its time to send your site out into the world. And to this you just submit it to the engines. We are lucky that on most forum software type sites it does this for us. But, I suggest still signing up to the major engines webmaster tools and submitting it yourself at first. Google webmaster tools Msn Webmaster center Yahoo site explorer Also, these are great for gathering and checking data. It helps you as a guide to make sure your keeping on top of everything. I would also recommend google analytics, because its free. And does a good job tracking everything. But, its not a must have. You can use whatever you want to keep track of data and such Step 8 ) *Optional* Validate your pages If you coded up all your pages on your site in HTML I would definitely recommend this, but its not a must. The W3C Markup Validation Service I never take the time to do it, because I don't know. I never was much into validating every page. Maybe just the most viewed ones if have time. It will help you to SEO your images better if do it though. That is basically everything you want done ON Site for your SEO. So, this is basicaly just a decent checklist to start from obviously there is OFF Site SEO. Here are some simple tips for OFF site SEO: 1) Relevance matters 100% - Do not use automated programs to get backlinks. You want to have 100% relevant backlinks. I would suggest pulling up google and googling the keywords you are targeting. Then go to sites on the first page that allow you to post. Go there make some quality posts and put your link with the proper anchor text in your sig if they let you. Or if its a blog or something maybe trade links or advertise. 2) If you try to cheat you will get caught. Google is serious. So do not try to cheat. And if all else refer to point 1. You are going to have to put in some serious time with your site. There is no magic cure or elixer. It takes time to make money. And once you do it right and reach the level you will make a lot. SERP rankings can seperate a site from 100s in revenue to 10s of 1000s.. Anyway, that is just some info for you all and hope it helps point you in the right direction Credits : MrWonderfull (Nachoman), TBN
  6. Δεν νομιζω πως ειναι ενα πολιτικο θεμα με μια ταδε αντιπαραθεση ή συμφωνια. Ειναι απλα μια ανακοινωση κομματόσκυλων (δεν ξερω αν συμπεριεχεσαι σε αυτους) που θα πεσουν τοσο κατω στα ματια μας, προσπαθώντας να μαζεψουν - εκμεταλλευτουν οσο περισσοτερο κοσμακι γινεται, αναρτώντας αυτες μεσα σε αυτο το χωρο. Η μονο αισθηση που μου μενει εκφραζεται με μια λεξη μονο. ΑΙΣΧΟΣ!
  7. I'm not crazy to buy iPhone. Okay, it's a good brand good specs, but OVERPRICED. You can buy 2 or maybe 3 cell phones similar to iphone with this price. You must add more poll options. I dont hate apple products but prefer another one with similar specs to half price.
  8. have earned already 100$ ++ from probux. I stopped cause it's boring and internet more instrested ways to make money. And trust me, work isnt only outside your home. Anyway i dont read this guide, i have read more than 10 guides for ptc sites. It's a good starting from someone that want to make a small profit and get started in this section.
  9. Καμια σχεση το ενα με το αλλο. H vodafone ειχε το 40% της Verizon το οποιο η Verizon εξαγορασε και εγινε πλεον Αυτονομη!
  10. Σε μια είδηση που αλλάζει τα δεδομένα στην παγκόσμια αγορά smartphones, η Microsoft θα προχωρήσει στην εξαγορά του τμήματος κινητών της Nokia μέσα στο 2014. Η εξαγορά θα γίνει μέχρι τις αρχές του 2014, ενώ θα περιλαμβάνει όλα τα τμήματα κινητών, smartphones, υπηρεσιών και πατεντών. Το κόστος της εξαγοράς; 3,79 δισεκατομμυρια ευρώ για την επιχείρηση και 1,65 δις. για τις πατέντες. Η συμφωνία φαίνεται πως ήταν καιρό στα σκαριά, με την πρόσφατη αποχώρηση του CEO Ballmer να αποτελεί το εναρκτήριο έναυσμα για τις ραγδαίες εξελίξεις. Έτσι, η συμφωνία που ανακοινώθηκε πριν λίγα λεπτά, περιλαμβάνει και την επιστροφή του Elop, CEO της Nokia από το 2010, στην Microsoft, με πιο πιθανή θέση αυτή του αντικαταστάτη του Ballmer στα ηνία της εταιρείας. Επίσης, η Microsoft θα εισχωρήσει άμεσα στα ταμεία της Nokia 1.5 δις ευρώ ενώ όλοι οι 35.000 εργαζόμενοί της θα συνεχίσουν να δουλεύουν κανονικά για αυτήν. Σε δηλώσεις του, ο Riisto Siilasmaa, Πρόεδρος του διοικητικού συμβουλίου της Nokia, είπε «Για την Nokia, αυτή είναι μια σημαντική στιγμή επαναδημιουργίας και μέσα από μια δυνατή οικονομικά θέση ξεκινάμε ένα καινούργιο κεφάλαιο». Η εταιρεία που παραμένει ακόμα Nokia είναι η Nokia Siemens Networks μαζί με το κομμάτι του προγράμματος χαρτογράφησης HERE. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι η Microsoft αγόρασε και τα «Lumia» και «Asha» λογότυπα, με τη Nokia να κρατάει ακόμα το δικό της brandname. Αυτό όμως σημαίνει ότι κατά πάσα πιθανότητα δεν θα ξαναδούμε το λογότυπο της φιλανδικής εταιρείας πάνω σε κινητά και smartphones, 30 χρόνια μετά την έναρξη της ενασχόληση της με την τηλεφωνία. Πηγη : myphone.gr
  11. Hey Guys i want a little help with a blogger template. I'm currenlty edit a template for one bussiness and i want to make a transform that i dont know how. http://riganh-zillas2.blogspot.gr/ is the main blog. The thing that i want is to make the slider appears to all pages. Look here : http://riganh-zillas2.blogspot.gr/p/blog-page.html Slider doesnt appear here. Can anyone help me? XML FILE : http://www.sendspace.com/file/t6v7ad
  12. http://kickass.to/mame32-roms-t1347321.html
  13. Καλα που εισαι και εσυ και μας το πες. Γιουπι!
  14. Ψαχνω αρκετη ωρα στο google και δεν μπορω να βρω κατι το οποιο εχει κανει το PirateBay. Ειναι στην Φιλλανδια ενας μεγαλος χωρος με προιοντα τεχνολογιας,τα οποια αγορασε με δικα του εξοδα το PirateBay και δινουν την δυνανοτητα στον χρηστη να ερθει και να δοκιμασει το καθε τι που θελει. Δεν εχει κανενα κοστος και δεν επιβαρυνει με κατι τον χρηστη. Ενα απο τα καλυτερα επενδυτικα προγραμματα (τετοιου ειδους) για εμενα, απο ενα σιτε το οποιο μολις ακους τι ειναι σκεφτεσαι "παρανομο". Καλη συνεχεια στα παιδια.
  15. τι ειχε πεχτει με το τροκτικο?
  16. Dust is the main problem for Laptops. Buy a good cooler(before, give it to a pc hardware center to clear it from dust) and be carefull where you're placing the laptop as Grim said.
  17. Web-Desing needs more fantasy than skills. Think it. The interactive part and the interactions will proove your skills, one thing that lineage 2 sites, often, dont have. Nice job, keep it up.
  18. αυτο που θα εκανα εγω (αν δουλευα σε μαγαζι θα ηταν να παρω μια δευτερη (επαγγελματικη)καρτα ηχου και να μαθω με τα decks. Θα μαθεις πολυ καλυτερα με τα decks παρα με το synchronizer του VDJ. θα εχεις καλυτερη αποψη για ρυθμους, αλλαγες κλπ. Τωρα αν παιζεις σπιτι και δεν υπαρχει η δυνατοτητα αγορας decks, παρε αυτη. Εγω ειχα την Hercules DJ Controller RMX και ειμαι αρκετα ευχαριστημενος.
  19. Πεμπτη 9-11 = Java 11-13 = Linux 14-16 = ΗTML/CSS/Javascript Καλα θα παμε και εδω περα. Java και HTML πιστευω περναω.. Linux τα πηρα στην πλακα και δεν καταλαβαινω χριστο τωρα :Ρ Πετρο θα περασουμε linux ή δεν διαβασες ακομα?
  20. You have to read about variable's types! float double = decimal short byte int long = non decimal
  21. Google is your answer. http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=44962.0
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