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Everything posted by sτrίkε-

  1. Hello guys, after Psomas2's post about dollarfiles I was searching for tips or tricks to promote my site. Finally i find something good working from 2008 till today. I present you HitLeap! What is HitLeap? HitLeap is a Traffic Exchange, also known as an autohits service. We help you increase your website hits, rankings (alexa, google, youtube) and more. Our affiliate program gives generous cash and traffic commissions of up to 50%. How does it work? After signing up, you will submit all the websites you want to send traffic to. Then you can either earn free traffic by viewing others' sites or buy a traffic package from us. How to use it? [*]Register under my referral link. [*]Confirm your registration using your e-mail. [*]Sing in on HitLeap. [*]Go to Traffic Exchange tab. [*]On the left side press enable on HitLeap and Alexa Addon and follow the instructions in order to install them (You will get 15 per cent more traffic with this step). [*]Leave your pc viewing other website in order to earn minutes for traffic exchange. [*]Go to My Websites and click to Submit a website into the Traffic Exchange. [*]Fill the other informations and you are done. Dont spam with idiot replies, a thanks is enough. Also, if you need help just reply here.
  2. hmmm can you give an outcome with 380x120 resolution? and if you can change the subtext from maxcheaters.com to Legends are Legends. Make it a bit smooth or just less the opacity..
  3. Good trying, i like it, but i have to notice some things and if you can to edit with your own way. I think that needs a bit more lighting to render's face and if you can resize it to 380x120. I appreciate your work.
  4. Λε μπαμπ! 20-24 Οι βασεις Επισημο αρθρο εδω : http://www.panelladikes.gr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1678&Itemid=2 Βασεις 2 ταχυτητων! Ανοδος των βασεων στις θεωριτικες σχολες Καθοδος των βασεων στο 2ο και 4ο επιστημονικο πεδιο. Επισημο αρθρο εδω : http://www.panelladikes.gr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1679&Itemid=2
  5. Make new youtube account, fill the informations on TubeExposure program and tick in Like & Subscribe Box, you will get 3 Points per video.
  6. What about the traffic of these games? which have the biggest?
  7. You register yesterday and you took 9 fb likes! Are you joking me? If I started from yesterday and making fb accounts in order to give a like i'd have 30 Likes. Choose better addmefast especially for fb likes.
  8. Remote Desktop, access to another pc 24/24h Lifetime. @Raule, maybe you will find?
  9. With this one you can earn views,subs,comments,likes on youtube with mine one you can get views or money.
  10. and the life stops cause of signature request by a member which was in the things 2 years ago?
  11. i'm not expecting nothing. If some1 wants to do just do it. You and finalgod made all those replys without aiming nothing,although finalgod wanted to describe me "a man out of these things." i was in these things and i went out cause of exams in order to go to univercity. Final Comment, want to make a sig for me?make it! you dont?just leave out of my topic.
  12. Sure, i find it. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=93301.0
  13. yes i asked something different..can i fund an amount of money without limits? e.g. can i fund 10000$ ?
  14. Raule can you ask you something? if i want to invest 500 $ can i do this? and after i will gain 10$ every day...?
  15. you are wrong,both. Final i was in gfx section before you registered in maxcheaters. i dont really know where my art is and where my posts moved. Ask MD, he better knows.
  16. maybe you can fill the background with white?i'll prefer it.
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