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Everything posted by DeSerT

  1. SR, Kite kite kite lol
  2. Bah 200 posts ;<
  3. Yeah, OOG isnt working, checked it -.-
  4. Heh.. Elder Scrolls4: Oblivion is fun, awesome graphics, impressive gameplay.. What else a player needs? :)
  5. ial2 is not l2j
  6. Thanks, I will try :)
  7. I didn't get it o_O When do u have to place item in wh?
  8. btw i take the one in the left ;o
  9. I played rogue once.. Well the skills are pretty good but def sucks -.- Really hard to lvl
  10. Well they have increased HP which makes them better at pvp, but I hate the looks of tauren :) And Night Elfs are better in PvE so that makes easier to level for them..
  11. So what's your favourite class? I prever Night Elf Druid ^^ Why? Because they're cool, usefull magic skills, nice buffs and awesome transformations into bear, cat, aquatic, dire bear and Moonkin forms :)
  12. No I don't try looking for new created l2 off files based servers... Btw turn off caps
  13. btw google works too :P
  14. Already answered.. THEY ARE FIXED... ADMIN DISABLED EM.. XPLOITS DON'T WORK ON THE SERVER YOU'RE PLAYING... I think I said it clear enough
  15. Make sure you're not stuck on the landscape (rocks, trees and etc.)
  16. Tried all of them in l2addiction, none of them works :) They must have patches it. Btw if you'll find any new ones make sure you'll post it in ENGLISH :P
  17. Lol thats because those xploits have been patched by server admins... And btw how did this topic appeared on the general maxbastards site? delete it asap
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