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Everything posted by GrisoM

  1. ok dude u have gone 2 far stop doing that or u will get another - If u want to see the exploits have patience stick to the rules and dont spam
  2. If what u want is a pack of GvE or KvN u must use this one http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=6879.0 U just have to activate the GvE Option U r ready to have your own faction server , if u have questions ask in that post ok? + SOme one move this to the right section.-
  3. We are still thinking about that, dont worry .. Also When this finish in 10-11 days I Will edit The 1 theard whit big letters and colors Saying Who win in each category =) The recognition Of being the best at something isnt enoguth? :P
  4. It took me 4 hours to load the hole vid xD but that is what i call mass pvp w00t !
  5. Well some of i alredy know beacuse i ask u by msn :P but from others i dont have a clue Of why they pick up the nick they have actually So TEll us the story =P Here is mine , When i log by 1 time in mxc i was thinking About M...... I am playing all l2 servers whit the same name :P so its better not use it , so i pick Anubis =O and well 2 month ago i quit l2 and i say what ever man I want to evry one know that i am One of the best bugger exploiters and I change my name to the one i have use in l2 for almost 4 years ^^ Now tell us your story =)
  6. Be more specific plz , what happend ? U wear apella and u get critical? u dont have apella for hellbound? Help us help u =)
  7. Nice is like violet and blue no? looks pretty odd :P Very good work , keep up , u only share weapons and armors so keep up xD
  8. Well After Some Work Whit help Of Stefoulis15 we manage to make a guide about how to Make Custom Hero Glows Like this ones : http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/9625/shot00021wx5pm4.jpg[/img] http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/1662/shot00043fo6nu9.jpg[/img] http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/1415/shot00015fs8bs9.jpg[/img] What u will have to do? [1] You Have To Create A New Texture ( .utx ) Or Modify One From LineageEffectsTextures.utx [2] Go To Env.int and change [u will see] HeroAuraTex=LineageEffectsTextures.Hero.Hero_Aura000_Shader00 U will have to change it To HeroAuraTex=(YourTexture.Hero.Hero_Aura000_Shader00) Or Whatever Your File's Name is. IF You Modified The Official One , And You Didnt Make a New Texture. Then Leave The Env.int file as it is Now After u do this when If u worn off a weapon u will see your char has this: http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/3852/shot00045yx1lq9.jpg[/img] To Fix This u will have to do this change: "HeroAuraTex=WarEffectsTextures.FireTexture.jm-fire1_UnlitTwoSided"For"HeroAuraTex=LineageWeapons.rangesample" PS: To Modify One , Open The File LineageEffectsTextures.utx Credits , Me & Stefoulis15 Njoy
  9. >_> <_< God only know that Its GrisoM no Grismo :P Thats the name i use in all l2 servers and whit that char i discover all my 40 exploits bugs and whit that char i am banned in over 30 servers So i love that name =$
  10. In the good servers Buggers dosnt exist , Donators are over powered and all day players Get sick of geting pwn by the donators and they leave , that is what happend to me beacuse i start playing gracia and some hellbound and almost all bugs where fixed and the donators abuse of their power So what is the seense of p laying in that condition? I can just say i love scam donators and if i have time be all day player becuse buggers Are dying =(
  11. i lock this one , i need to found a bigger scout team now , or edit the last one whit out anni xD Any way u will see.. Locked :$
  12. Whats the difference between this: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=32574.0 And this one u just make? I just see the Zoom Patch :o has something new Or this Agrro lvl has something new?
  13. If is it an Encyclopedia it must be and Encyclopedia of exploits other wise this should be in Lineage general no? Any way ty for the answer
  14. U discover me =$ Do u want to shmoken A pancake?
  15. GrisoM

    Hello :D

    u can edit your custom title u know... :P Btw check NITROUS SYSTEM post about the new award thing
  16. Sry about my ignorance but what does this do? quote me and hide xD :/ explanation plx =)
  17. http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=aRtNfb6D3Mc&feature=related Come on u think i will make a post about my promotion? Pff... who do u think i am? ~Owned~
  18. O.o that looks cool =) But we still have karma no? ¬¬ Sure ;P + 1 O.o i didnt even saw that haha Gogogogog i want to win some award Like The Most Loving Person if Forum (L) :-*
  19. GrisoM

    Hello :D

    Below his Avatar says Veteran user and there is a little cup O.O
  20. You could use this tool for that http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=26269.0 Tell me if it helps u
  21. SS: http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/91/shot00002wi6mb7.jpg[/img] http://img389.imageshack.us/img389/7774/shot00004qy8xy3.jpg[/img] [Download]: http://rapidshare.com/files/155565989/Ancientweaponset.rar.html [Credits Inside The Rar]
  22. Told u yiannis93 ^^ when u do good work i ask a mod to stick it :P U put in your title Tested on IL , do u think this change in hellbound? nevermind ;P
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