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Everything posted by Fizo

  1. L2Archid its a Pack But i used this pack and i have the same Problem than your's Can some1 tell to us how dissolve them ???
  2. i have patch and all files some1 tell me if you dont install db you have them all if install you lose them ..... This is True?????
  3. This pack have custom items like Mordor weapon bit if i spawn i dont see in my Inventory Or if i see somethink Like One weapon will be wear in the wrong Place I found AIO duals i spawn them and if i wear will be wear than boot's :S
  4. Hi i used this Interlude Pack http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=40362.0 And i test all Npc for this pack But Nothink Work If some1 Know what Npc wotk to this Pack Plz Post somethink I need Somethink Like Buffer and GM SHOP Or some1 tell me plz what npc wotk L2JServer L2Oneo ??? I test but nothink Thanks
  5. i have the same problem too with all Custom NPC i do all this to tell but nothink work .... :(
  6. Thanks skiller 8a to dokimaso kai 8a s po Strike xrisimopio to Interlude-Kamael kai c5-interlude :S dn 3ero ti la8os exw kani kai ti mpori na fteei
  7. Gia sas Xrisimopio Poli kairo to file edit kai Pote 3ana dn m exei 3ana emfanisti auto to provlima Ekatsa kai skeutika ti fteei I dn exw System Patched etC oste na mporo na edit ta arxeia i to File edit p xrisimopio exei provlima sas litourgiko Oriste to Error pou mou Petaei Kanw paste to system Stin Epifania etC oste na mporo na to vro Anigo to itemname file kai otan paw na to apo8ikeuso mou petaei auto Xrisimopio to Interlude-Kamael Ama 3eri kanis ti prepei na kanw kai ama exei kanis kanena System Patch gia Interlude exw dokimasi sxedon ta panta MXC google yahoo exw apelpisti thanks gia tin voi8ia sas
  8. Hi i am search for 5 hours in here in google but i fifnt gind nothink If some1 have them or Program to can edit system Folder Files plz post them thanks a lot
  9. Hi i download and i use the Strike CT2 Pack This Pack Rin Perfect But if Download Some Npc or Weapon armor's I spawn but i can't see If some1 Now what is my Problem Plz tell me if some1 have Armor's or weapon for this Pack plz Post them Or give me the Url thanks a lot
  10. popo pedia sovara dn 3ero Bravo sto pedi pou edwse to aima tou Sovara ida simera to post Kali anarosi sto pedi pes tou
  11. To enchant Expoit pou einai Gia speed diavasa Dior8osteme ama lew kati la8os :S
  12. nC work man I test this script now i have the old but didn't work thanks a lot
  13. i search again and if find somethink i post here
  14. Test This ... http://rapidshare.com/files/166467788/L2-FileEdit-T1.5-T2.rar.html Maybe Work I Test Too ... If work I want my Karma :D
  15. <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPKNZr8rZcg&hl=en&fs=1"> Check This out really Work Look thanks man
  16. <a href="http://www.nerdtests.com/ft_weird.php?im"> <img src="http://www.nerdtests.com/thetester/images/php/wq.php?val=9351" alt="What is your weird quotient? Click to find out!"> </a> What about My I am ok ???? ^^
  17. axaxax Omg This is Not A hot dog ... This is .. axaxaxaxax nC share i Test it ( For Fun ) axaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa
  18. This PERFECT i used Now !!!! Keep Up Man
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