Hello https://prnt.sc/t3rcdz
Ragnar, i am not owner this item, i have a suppliers i send all proofs moderators, full epic set etc. Dont worry bro all fine :)
Hello guys i send all proof Global Moderator, @Celestine check my proofs and talks with this guy. I also demand block him delete msg and restore my reputation.
Regards Gas.
Hello anyone.
Main: Archer (Sub Destro 80+)
Tezza Baium AQ Zaken Antharas
DB +7 (Passive Duel Might)
Draco Set +6
Also: Full support 80+
Price: 450-500 euros.
Discord: Gas2005#6780
Regards Gas.
( I do not show random people screen character only old user maxcheaters and good reputation. Please do not wast time, use middleman service. )
Kalispera Exw to ekseis problem exw anoiksei ton server m ola wraia ola kala alla otan kanoun nobless panw tous kai psofisoun meta dn exoun buffs mipws kserete ti sumvainei?
Kalispera.dn kserw an eimai se lathos topic...Mipws exei kanenas kana account sto hopzone.net gt dn mporw na ftiaksw leei kati gia spammers...euxaristw
As mpei kapios me teamviewer na dei ti grafei i console sikwnw ta xeria psila dn kserw ti sumvainei sugnwmi gia double post...xreiazomai opws dipote help euxaristw..
977 217 930
grafei re paidia errorLevel =1 please read log