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Everything posted by jossoo

  1. bgazei kapio error sto deleteme.. episis to hi5kai to freya allazoun se liga pragmata opote den nomizw na paizei rolo..
  2. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/14/123213c.png/ den kserw gt .. to pack einai h5 alla den nomizw na paizei rolo..i kanw la8os ?:D
  3. i search but nothing..also dont post if you dont have answer...post answer or link ...
  4. how i can make npc's sell enchanted items? multisell way or java ? if u know please answer me :D
  5. XAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAAX..omg man you are god... i have 1 question...if i set it to hold a weapon,he attack normally?or just move it around ? nice share..keep up :D
  6. sorry..problem solved..(mistake) someone can lock the topic ?
  7. login write account ... created..and then nothink..
  8. [Request] Dev Help [L2J] En... i am runing from same pc for test reasons.. ip's are in l2.ini in configs.. server is up ,i select the server but i cant log in to create a char...;/
  9. i cant log in to server on local... to l2.ini to all config's server checking the account an let me pass the lisence table..but after lisence table cant log to char selection ct2.3 ( gracia final)
  10. win 7 ultimate eixa kai prin win 7 ultimate exw kai twra..prin to foram mou fortne se 40 seconds..kai meta afou exei kanei ta panda install se 300+
  11. alt +g in game..kai grapse akribos oti zitas...DEX,INT,STR kai meta skill search.. :)
  12. O Server fortonei se 300+ sec's meta to format..exw kanei install java kai ola auta..o server einai freya eixa to idio pack kai prin to format alla den eixa problima gt anige se 50 seconds.. kserei kaneis ti paizei ? tnx prokatabolika
  13. <set name="target" val="TARGET_NONE"/> make it like this <set name="target" val="TARGET_ONE"/> and maybe work!
  14. add [sHARE] tag plz..also tell us the version of l2 ..(hellboun,freya,etc..)
  15. yes...but the npc dont speak :S also at this table's that you telling me i cant find text of all npc's that speaking (see remy (Human island) ):S
  16. i make the path that npc moving..i wan to confirm the words
  17. where i can configure auto say (or add) in freya?
  18. ok problem solved :D some1 can loc the topic ?:D
  19. http://img852.imageshack.us/i/errorh.jpg/ i know that the error is at character config but in what line or where ? ty
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