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About roflchopterz

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  1. Hey, i havnt been playing l2 since c3 and was wondering what are the good lvling areas in interlude. im currently playing on l2terror if someone can tell me like good areas to hunt in like lvl 70+ would help a lot ^^.
  2. www.iagaming.net - c3 server the working register page is www.iagaming.net/now
  3. mid rates, not too much grind but not instant max lvl
  4. that is one epic script
  5. wont there be like 100 mulitples of theese characters ? or will there be a character creation type like in l2
  6. i think the point was to provide Unique Names. Like realistic names not something with the word b1tch in it.
  7. execution grounds muahahahahaha
  8. c1, simple times were fun
  9. If its one that doesnt require chasing, eg. when your in a small area i say Hawkeye but i think SR exceeds in open areas where running around is involved
  10. wasnt even really expecting one, if they keep going the series will get old and boring in my opinion
  11. thats a lot of new areas 0_0
  12. even worked on c3 client but had to re-encrypt the user.ini with 412 crypt instead of 413
  13. patched on all servers i tried
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