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Everything posted by smeli

  1. Gracia PLUS server update (do not use with FINAL client) http://dump.ru/file/2789011
  2. http://rapidshare.com/files/226337291/stable5_upd_LIVE.7z
  3. yes, it woks with North American client patched system folder provided inside pack some npcdata issues found, will be fixed in upcoming update
  4. new release GRACIA FINAL - ALL IN ONE http://rapidshare.com/files/222874352/lin2server_stable5_PTS.7z
  5. edit in sources ( UserCommand.cpp I gues) then recompile
  6. >I pack it OFF is the same L2KUNG Fu? never heard about it. whatit is? >Well I do not see Gracia OFF servers around! ... What are BUGS in this pack? written in first post also new Gracia Final only bug - GM View Quest list not working >He is totally OFF, or has something beyond the C ++? original off, 2004 8 june extended by C++ extender source code open and provided inside pack
  7. new update, see first post used to be last update in this year
  8. yes, a lot of thigs I left to do personally for you! that why sources are wide open :) PS. new update, check first post
  9. >LOL Gracia final server off files! OMFG!! FULL RESPECT THANKS YOU FOR IT! :) new update, see first post
  10. if you ever try this, you will realize that share not nice at all :)
  11. new update, see first post now I will be bussy for writing long boring manual about instaling and using this pack cause existing manuals quite outdated :)
  12. new update, see first post all serious bugz gone away, now you can play Gracia part2, or Gracia Final without big problems
  13. new update (first post) now you can try Gracia Final (use Elhaym.ini from prevoius update)
  14. 1st update. some bugz fixed http://rapidshare.com/files/181297410/ct32b_graciaCT2.2_update1.rar
  15. happye new year!!! new Release! http://rapidshare.com/files/179913608/il32b_stable4f.rar all updates in one pack lots of bugz fixed party pets pet bufs vitality and more :) enjoy!
  16. new release http://rapidshare.com/files/179913608/il32b_stable4f.rar
  17. BUGFIX: http://rapidshare.com/files/175689113/gracia2_32bit_server_UPD2.rar
  18. all 8 years work compilation in SINA2017 L2 SERVER C1 SINNA 2017 server GRAND CRUSADE PTS http://www90.zippyshare.com/v/go82BDIE/file.html http://www29.zippyshare.com/v/bv69OPgG/file.html part2 2017-04-24 update to SINA 2018 (SALVATION PTS) https://www.4shared.com/archive/ehzBh6O1ei/0_l2_c1_sina2017_update.html? 2018-01-18 part1 http://www11.zippyshare.com/v/woZJPytT/file.html 2018-01-18 part1 https://www.4shared.com/archive/_lNKJxQ5ei/0_l2_c1_sina2017_update_part2.html? 2018-04-23 part2 newest ai.obj have errors, use older or recompile with older teleporter class 2018-05-31 TECHNICALS: https://www.ryadel.com/en/increase-memory-limit-32-bit-x86-exe-64-bit-x64-windows/ 4gb_patch_for32bit_apps_in_64bit_system https://wj32.org/wp/2011/02/23/pae-patch-updated-for-windows-7-sp1/ C2 client update http://www36.zippyshare.com/v/W5WBxQwy/file.html official c1 event https://l2central.info/articles/gameplay/996-lineage-ii-grand-crusade-oborona-ketserusa
  19. server-side update http://rapidshare.com/files/174477556/il32b_UPD_server_STABLE3.rar
  20. New Interlude update and brand new Gracia part2 server - next week for now download Client-Side files ALTERNATE ftp://ftp.lineageworld.net/pub/usr/smeli/l2/ UPDATE: 2008 Christmas edition http://rapidshare.com/files/169849691/il32b_UPD_client_side.rar
  21. NEW UPDATE what's new? 1. Custom RecipeShop system, use wolf pet interface to see it Do not forget add scripts, htmls and recompile AI (1AI_Compile.bat) 2. fixed pet summoning crash 3. L2 Dead Body Looting System http://rapidshare.com/files/151459431/IL_32b_update20081006.rar Lineage2 Looting Where dwells the gazels There slaughters the tigers --- Instead of useless recomendation system, there are new looting system introduced How to use it: Select the dead body and press Recomendation action button -- What can be looted: Only those items what are equiped, other items in inventory are not lootable Single item in single try Augmented items -- What can't be looted: 4+ encanted items (all other looted items will come to looter without enchants) hair items cursed demonic swords Shadow weapons -- Who can be looted: Dead body of person Dead GM -- Who can't be looted: Living persons NPCs Yourself (but you can always check what can be looted from you) The same dead by the same looter twice -- Who can loot: Anyone who have level the same or above dead person -- Chance of looting: Looting of 9 level lower persons is near impossible Looting member of full party is near impossible Looting at long distance is near impossible !!!In this update, for testing reasons, chance of looting set to 100%
  22. NEW UPDATE! whats new: 1. Party leader leaving world issue fixed. (thanks HumorDwarf for idea) 2. Party leader becoming cursed weapon wielder issue fixed 3. Party leader change action button fix 4. Party buffs problem fixed 5. Clan member list display for C5,C6 fixed 6. If your MacroFix=1 crashing server and you really need it working, add new key Macro2Fix=1 Thanks to Fyyre 7. Fixed skill displaying bug This bug almos year old, but I got no reports about it exept "My active skills not shows" or something like that. For me all thigs was good and finally I have noticed that problem :) http://rapidshare.com/files/149367738/IL_32b_update20080929.rar
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