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Everything posted by N0K3

  1. Friends, any expert knows or can crack or freeze this version of smartguard shared by @Xenokage, @ToNoobForscool gave a sense of where to start. Can anyone with experience meet this challenge?
  2. Could you show me the frozen smartguard link you mentioned and how to crack the same? Edit: Do I get it wrong? Do you show where the token is to crack the link cited by the friend?
  3. Thanks for helping, I was able to use Anti AFK - TVT, very grateful !!
  4. I'm extremely grateful Kara, just get me a single question, I'm using Acis 374, it has no PcInstance.java I believe I have been replaced by Player.java and also does not have ThreadPoolManager.java only ThreadPool.java and also does not have L2Character .java, I believe it has been replaced by Creature.java, if I am wrong could you give me a light? because that slows me down when adding the mod. I tried putting on the cited files and had errors on the ThreadPool.getInstance (). Follow the images below; ThreadPool.java : https://imgur.com/r7Kcl9a Player.java : https://imgur.com/mptTG0A Creature.java : https://imgur.com/96gP8ao
  5. Would anyone have an Anti AFK mod on TvT for L2Jacis or L2jfrozen? If anyone has and can share, I will be grateful.
  6. Is this code you quoted going on FakePlayerAI.java? Can you cite some reference line? I'm having trouble implementing your code, I did not understand this, if you can help me I'll be grateful. and from all class name AI with name this *** public void thinkAndAct() *** find all this - tryTargetRandomCreatureByTypeInRadius(FakeHelpers.getTestTargetClass(), FakeHelpers.getTestTargetRange()); and change with this + if (_fakePlayer.getKnownTypeInRadius(FakePlayer.class, FakeHelpers.getTestTargetRange()) != null) + { + tryTargetRandomCreatureByTypeInRadius(FakeHelpers.getTargetPvPClass(), FakeHelpers.getTestTargetRange()); + } + + else if (_fakePlayer.getKnownTypeInRadius(Monster.class, FakeHelpers.getTestTargetRange()) != null) + { + tryTargetRandomCreatureByTypeInRadius(FakeHelpers.getTargetMobClass(), FakeHelpers.getTestTargetRange()); + }
  7. Is this the first alternative for smartguard or sguard? If it works, I'll follow.
  8. I am looking for anti bot for interlude, l2jfrozen version.
  9. Realmente o questão de servidores abrindo semanalmente fali outros servidores, entretanto, eu joguei em servidores muito fracos que tinham está proteção e eram muito fracos em questão de mods e proteções, talvez não justifique mas não faz sentido, o servidor tinha somente tvt e party farm nada mais e tinha a proteção smart guard.
  10. [PT-BR] Tudo que eu queria é que tivesse uma proteção que pelo menos parasse o adrenaline Crackeado(versão do alquimist) só isso estava feliz demais. Conhecem alguma alem do smar guard que for free ? [ENG-Google Translate] All I wanted was for me to have a protection that would at least stop the Crackeado adrenaline (alquimist version) that was just too happy. Do you know any other than smar guard that is free?
  11. [PT-BR] Eu só não consigo entender como existe servidores que ficam abertos 1 semana com proteção smart guard, e não é a v3 mais atualizada é uma versão anterior, será que crackeiam de alguma forma ? porque não é possível pagar 1 mês de proteção pra deixar online 7 dias. Imagens abaixo do smartguard desatualizado e atualizado. Desatualizado : https://imgur.com/n6ETQYv Atualizado : https://imgur.com/koHKGi6 [ENG-Google Translate] I just can not understand how there are servers that stay open 1 week with smart guard protection, and it is not the most updated v3 is a previous version, will they crack in some way? because it is not possible to pay 1 month of protection to leave online 7 days. Images below the outdated and updated smartguard. Out of date : https://imgur.com/n6ETQYv Updated : https://imgur.com/koHKGi6
  12. Sorry I did not quite understand, are you quoting the plans that the smartguard offers? € 28 start and € 68 Standart? Or is it some other Anti Cheat?
  13. The problem is that I am from Brazil and the euro converted to the Brazilian real is very expensive monthly; Do you have any tip to give me to buy protection? Expect some promotion or something?
  14. Good morning Good afternoon Good night. I wonder if there is smart guard protection cracked, some older version where it is not so effective, but it works. If it does not exist I would like to know how to find a smart guard with medium price. Thank you very much. Note: Text generated by Google Translate.
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