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FixerRay last won the day on March 21 2023

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  1. Buff Addiction Event Available 28-02MAR -Event Buffer always spawned in Giran. -Event Buffer Global 12-h cooldown re-use. -Dance & Songs from 2 to 4 minutes. Have fun! Website -> https://vanilla.playinera.com/ Discord: -> https://discord.com/invite/WD8fWf5
  2. Newbie Bonuses, War awaits you!! Every Character Created since 17th February and after will receive Newbie Box that contains: Rune of EXP/SP 50% 5 Days, 1 Revita-Pop & 1 Potion of Energy Maintenance. Latest PvP Video: Website -> https://vanilla.playinera.com/ Discord: -> https://discord.com/invite/WD8fWf5
  3. Change Of Heart Event is now available! This weekend's mini event will merge with an all-time classic event. Available 14-16 Feb. -Change of Hearts classic event is enabled . -Inventory space increased by 10 -Elemental stones & Raid drops increased by 10% -There is a small chance to fully recover your vitality while taking down monsters Change of hearts classic event details: -Monsters drop heart pieces with a 20% chance. -Collect the full set of 9 pieces and play a game: 1 win: L2Day buff scrolls 2 wins: Greater Potions 3 wins: x1 Blessed Scroll of Escape 4 wins: x1 Blessed Scroll of Resurrection 5 wins: x2 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (C) 6 wins: x4 Scroll: Enchant Armor (B) 7 wins: x1 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (B) 8 wins: x3 Scroll: Enchant Armor (A) 9 wins: x1 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A) 10 wins: x2 Scroll: Enchant Armor (S) 11 wins: x1 Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S) & 20% Chance to get TOP A weapon Connect -> https://vanilla.playinera.com/connect/ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/WD8fWf5
  4. Why do you hear boss music? Its Raid Challenger weekend ! Available 7 Feb to 9 Feb. -Quest: Audience with the land dragon , reward increased from 1 to 3 portal stones. -Quest: Journey to a settlement , reward increased from 1 to 2 force field removal scrolls. -Quest: Into the Flames , reward increased from 1 to 3 floating stones. -Quest: An arrogant search , number of bloody fabrics increased to 15. -Instance : Dark cloud mansion , reward increased from 3 to 9 contaminated crystals. -Raid boss drop rate increased by 15%. -Vitality acquired by defeating raids increased by 50%. -A one time only milestone will be created for the duration of the event: Raid Challenger-defeat 5 bosses .Rewards 30 daily coins and Vitality maintaining potion.
  5. Weekend Of The Dwarfs Event! The first event from a set of many, coming soon : 31 Jan - 2 Feb! A weekend dedicated to our hard working friends , dwarfs. During this weekend craft chance is increased by +10% and chance to obtain masterwork items is doubled. Spoil drop rate increased by 10%.
  6. Server Launched successfully, a new Online record since Last Vanilla x4! @NevesOma Please move to Private Servers, Thank you.
  7. Launch Tomorrow, Get ready! https://discord.gg/EtFaaPN7tR
  8. Vanilla's x4 Open Beta launched successfully and will remain up until Tuesday. Players from CZECH, UKRAINE, POLAND, GREECE, BULGARIA, UK, NA and around the world already joined! LAUNCH IN LESS THAN 6 days: 24 JANUARY 2025, 21:00 UTC+2 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/WD8fWf5
  9. OPEN BETA in less that 24 hours & Rewards, don't miss it! PlayINERA Vanilla has officially decided on the date of our OPEN BETA, starting on Friday 17th January 2025 at 21:00 UTC+2, with an exclusive event that will reward participants with various bonuses. Read the rules carefully and make sure to tell your friends about the event! Do not miss this one. Now then, we present to you our OPEN BETA exclusive event: Here’s how it works briefly: 1) An NPC named ‘The Judge’ will spawn in Giran for the first 30 minutes of the OPEN BETA. This NPC will spawn at exactly 21:00 UTC+2 on Friday 17th January 2025. 2) Interact with this NPC and your master account will be given special privileges to obtain Legendary starter pack for all game accounts created. 3) Having spoken to the NPC will allow for all new characters to start with a legendary starter pack on the official launch day on 24th January 2025, 21:00 UTC+2. 4) ‘The Judge’ will reward the first 2 players with PREMIUM Account that will be enabled on 24th January 2025!!! 4) Send message to @Ray on Forum or Discord with your Forum name to get Legendary Role on Discord! Good luck! OPEN BETA will be Online in less than 1-hour! Two easy steps in order to login fast: -Create Game Account -> https://account.playinera.com/ -Download and Run our update to be ready for login -> https://vanilla.playinera.com/connect/
  10. PlayINERA's Team wishes everyone a Happy New Year! ! ! Open Beta: 17 JANUARY 2025, 21:00 UTC+2 Launch date: 24 JANUARY 2025, 21:00 UTC+2 Features -> https://vanilla.playinera.com/features/ Discord: -> https://discord.com/invite/WD8fWf5
  11. Open Beta January 17th & 21:00 UTC +2 Launch Date January 24th & 21:00 UTC +2 Click Here to Explore Vanilla Gracia Final Low-Rate Server. Join our Discord Community Following the success of our Vanilla project, we decided to launch it again as Last PlayINERA’s Server! Core Settings *Vanilla will have Strict Botting & Client Limitation Rules and Chronicle Progression from Gracia Final to Gracia Epilogue to H5 in Long term! XP: x4 SP: x4 Adena: x2 Drop: x2 Spoil: x3 Manor: x0.4 (60% reduction) - Festive sweeper enabled! Seal Stones: x2 Herbs: x1 Safe Enchant: +3 Maximum Enchant: Retail Enchant Rate: Dynamic General Settings Auto-loot Can be toggled Buffs Adventurer Guide buffs are free, retail level limit removed. Buff Slots: 20 (+ 4) Summon buffs will remain on re-summoning & on death while Noblesse blessing is applied! (Olympiad excluded) Pet buffs will be saved on relog but not during summon/unsummon. Event Buffer [NEW] Event Buffer is enabled and will spawn randomly between 18:00 ~ 23:00 in Giran for 10 minutes, it will apply Farm Only buffs that are cancelled in PvP, Siege / Epic PvP zones & while in a chaotic state! Duration: 1-hour! Territory Wars every two weeks on Saturday. Castle sieges every two weeks on Sunday Class Transfer 1st Class Transfer: Available for purchase with either Adena or iCoin 2nd Class Transfer: Available for purchase with either Adena or iCoin 3rd Class Transfer: Quest or iCoin (the 3rd class transfer will become available for purchase with iCoin as soon as someone has entered the Hall of Fame for completing the 3rd class transfer quest for the class in question) Hellbound Hellbound Lv. 0-6: ATOD x1 Hellbound Lv. 7-12: ATOD x2 Tiat & Ekimus will become available at Stage 12 Hellbound can only be leveled up by killing monsters. No quests or raids are needed To open Hellbound, a party must kill Baylor in the Crystal Caverns The following items are now tradable: Ancient Tome of the Demon Hidden First Page Hidden Second Page Demon Contract Fragment INERA Hub Library Clan Recruitment System Options Services Milestone Rewards Earn rewards for reaching various daily/one-time goals Client Limit: 1 (+1 with Standard Premium) Shift + Click Information on Monsters SP are required to learn new skills Offline shops Lasts for 15 days Olympiad Olympiad period: 1st and 15th day of the month (14th & Last day of month is the last day) 3 Vs. 3 match disabled Class-based matches will be held over the weekends One registration per HWID (PC) Minimum participants: 9 Party Matching System Earn bonuses for finding a group via the Party Matching system Vote Reward System World Chat No limits for first day! Available from level 20 Raid Bosses Epic Raid Boss zones will turn into a PvP zone while the Epic Raid Boss is alive ( + means Random) Server will start with all grand raids dead. Normal Raids: 12h (+6 hours random). Subclass raids, respawn 12h (+6 hours random). Noblesse Barakiel 12h (+6 hours random, PvP zone). Anakim & Lilith are static 24 hours respawn. Queen Ant: 24 hours (+2 hours random). Core: 40 hours (+2 hours random). Orfen: 32 hours (+2 hours random). Antharas Respawn: 8 Days. Randomly spawns at 19:00 ~ 21:00 Boosted to level 83 on Hellbound stage 7. Valakas Respawn: 10 Days. Randomly spawns at 19:00 ~ 21:00 Baium Respawn: 5 Days. Randomly spawns at 21:00 ~ 23:00 Boosted to level 83 on Hellbound stage 7. Frintezza Respawn: 2 Days. Randomly spawns at 21:00 ~ 23:00 Instanced Zaken Zaken (Day): Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 6:30. Zaken (Day): 9 players, LvL 55-65, 1hr max. Zaken (Night): Wednesday at 6:30 Zaken (Night): 18-45 players, LvL 55-65, 6hr max. Tiat: Saturday at 6:30, 18-36 players, 2 hrs max. Boosted to level 85. Ekimus: 24h at 6:30, 18-27 players, 1hr max. Tully’s Workshop (Darion & Tully): 24h +-1h. Tower of Naia (Beleth): 5 days, 18 min. & 36 max.
  12. Chapter III is now LIVE! -Max level is increased to 85 -Max level on subclass increased to 85 -Maximum attribute allowed in weapons is increased to 150 -Maximum attribute allowed in armors is increased to 60 -Ant Queen, Core, Orfen increased to level 83, same chance on Epic Jewel, addition of Eas/Ews/Beas/Bews drop. -Addition of Base Tower, Advance Pedestal & Tower of Naia Elpy teleport into Deltuva. https://remastered.playinera.com/ https://discord.com/invite/WD8fWf5
  13. Hello, everyone Remastered x10 is Live for over 29 days! We worked diligently to provide a better experience for players, 7 patches have been released since launch! Some of your suggestions actually made their way into the patch notes, so the community is the driving force at PlayINERA. Thank you all for keep supporting the server, have fun! https://remastered.playinera.com/ https://discord.com/invite/WD8fWf5
  14. Chapter II is now LIVE! -Every Character created since 1st April will receive Newbie Box containing (Rune of EXP/SP 7 days, Rune of SP 7 days, Revita-Pop, 2 Potion of Energy Maintenance & 48h Expiration Random Costume). -Enabled 'Weekend Wonders'. The Weekend Wonders event is in full swing! Elemental stones & Raid drops are increased by 25% additionally Seal Stone drops are increased by 15%! (FRIDAY,SATURDAY,SUNDAY) Read more: https://forum.playinera.com/topic/86-patch-6-–-april-5-2024-1834-–-1835
  15. Over 18 days passed since server Launch. We are preparing for Chapter II that will be Live on Friday! A lot of new players starting everyday. Join a Clan and get ready for Sieges and Clan Wars! Daily Events are not missing from normal routine, we saw quite a few of last minute Wins!
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