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About marcin250989

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  1. HI, AS in topic someone maybe have website or maybe even bot which i can use for RPG servers? This can be even for money but not for 30 days or something.\ Thanks for help
  2. Hello, I got some items and char for sell in Elixir x3 PP 78 - 60 days subscription Destro 78 ( subclass HE 60 ) - 65 days subscription EE 68 - 5 days subscription SE 58 - 3 days subscription BD 58 - 20 days subscription ITEMS MJ light set 4/3/3/3 Tallum hvy set 4/3/3/3 Shyed Bow +3 Focus Eminence Bow +8 Infernal Master focus +3 Halberd Wide blow +3 Adena stock 850kk - 1 EUR --> 23kk Midleman is possible but you have to cover transaction, if you want to buy char first i can give you char to check without pin of course if all ok then we make transaction. PM here or Skype stronger Discord : Goodlike#5729
  3. Trusted! Fast and cheap also small bonus!
  4. WTS Fire 3lvl +7 Fire 3lvl +8 Belion Cestus +6 Avadon Robe set Tyrrant 78, Toi 4, VIP4 all skills learned, dyes 3rd profesion, AQ char sorcerer 40 on same account WC 78 , cov, gate chant, VIP4 BD 74 , all dances learned Craft 52 , have recipe shots and blessed spiritshots D,C,B All transaction can supported with Pufa Skype: stronger Discord: String#5729
  5. Trusted seler! and really fast
  6. He lie each day, that i get adena but since i bought adena from him i didnt receive anything, SCAMER. NICK: NikoH Skype: havalsky Nikolaj PayPall: Владимир Сидоренко e-mail: b0ychild699@gmail.com
  7. Like in Topic, I have for sell HE 58 lvl and PR 41 lvl on the same account, chars naked ofc, price 30 euro.
  8. WATCH OUT FOR THAT GUY! I waiting already 2 days for adena, first time he said that will be delivered 1.5 h later but still dont have money. I do not recommend that seller.
  9. Like in topic, 350kk on stock, pm here or skype marcinkaluzny5@gmail.com
  10. Hi For sell BW Heavy SET +6 70 euro SOLD Doom light SET+6 40 euro SOLD Pm here or SKYPE marcinkaluzny5@gmail.com
  11. Hi for sell accounts: - Prophet 58 lvl and on the same account SE 48 with BW Robe set and weapon ISS6 <-- 90 days subscription 65 euro SOLD - Blade Dancer 52 lvl and tons scrool for exp <-- 90 days subscription 40 euro - PR 41 lvl and on the same account HE 57 lvl with a lot of items and mats ( fish stew, mysterious soulshot etc.) <--- 90 days subscription 25 euro I have also 300kk adena for sell 0,7kk 1kk Pm here or SKYPE : marcinkaluzny5@gmail.com, transaction possible with middleman also just send me info when.
  12. Like in the topic, chars on the same account with 20 days subscrption. Pm here or skype
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