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About carvage

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  1. Yeah I do have the source files, you mean the Z cords in xml/spawnlist? Hello Tryskell and thanks for your answer. I use that pack to test cause I am pretty new on that, like noob noob new. A friend found that pack and gave it to me and I just run it as a test etc. Haven't pay a single $ to anyone so i don't support them. I wanna try a mid rate server, not a high rate. Can I pm you for some more details? Regards.
  2. Well actually I have no idea Its a pack from a friend its half russian half english. inside the files the server called "RUAcis" Dunno if that helps... Well I tried to change geodata but it didn't work, problem still exist. So I went to spawnlist to check the cords from the npc but here is another problem. When I tried to move behind the bars, for example at grocery to get the location that traders should be, it teleports me also at the top of the building. So any suggestions? Should I change source pack? And if yes any suggestions on that too? Regards, Carvage.
  3. Hello guys I have a problem with some NPC they are uppon buildings or outside of them! Like grocery traders are on the top of the roofs. I think its a geodata problem since when I try to move into the grocery behind the bar section it throws me also on the top of the roof.... Any suggestion help? Maybe someone have another geodata so I can test ? Regards, Carvage.
  4. smooth easy trusted gj xD
  5. We play there its awesome join ;3 Regards, Carvage.
  6. This code gives me error :D
  7. the pack i use it has something familiar with that, but even when in game server it says that "334 items skiped from droplist" ingame still drops them.. So prolly it doesnt work right or i dont know... If is there any other way to delete the gadamn books i would appreciate it :P Regards, Carvage.
  8. Under my npc's xml i have skills folder. I can't find droplist anywhere.. and i want to remove the spellbooks from the drops. https://prnt.sc/j7igk2 Regards, Carvage.
  9. Is there a drop list on acis pack??? I want to delete all spellbooks from mobs drop list is there anyway to do it ? Any help or idea? Regards, Carvage.
  10. Great Answer. Regards, Carvage.
  11. Is there anyway to set up the mobs in catacombs/necropolis that drop seal stones to be always spawned? I use ascis pack and the mobs aren't spawned and i have no clue how to make them spawn, and keep them spawned after. Any help? or Idea? Regards, Carvage.
  12. Thank you a lot i figure it out! :D Regards, Carvage.
  13. I got this Error when i try to open the gameServer... Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "10." at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:580) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:615) at net.sf.l2j.commons.config.ExProperties.getProperty(ExProperties.java:50) at net.sf.l2j.Config.loadServer(Config.java:2196) at net.sf.l2j.Config.loadGameServer(Config.java:2382) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:157) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:134) Server have terminated abnormaly. Server terminated. Press any key to continue . . . Any help? or idea? Regards, Carvage.
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